WDAA Member Benefits

The Western Dressage Association® of America offers a wide variety of benefits to its members. Yearly membership is $55 for adults and $40 for junior membership - under 18 years old on December 1 of the current year. We also offer lifetime memberships for those that do not want to renew every year..

**Discount codes are visible once you are logged in as a member.**

WDAA Membership Benefits include:

  • Year-End High Point (YEHP): This program shines a spotlight on your horse’s performance throughout the season. Horses earn points at WDAA Recognized Shows. This program celebrates the hard work and success of your horse, with recognition on the WDAA website and a certificate to commemorate their achievements in Western Dressage. It is a free program for our members and we do all the work to track your horses' points.
  • Learning Management System: A member only video education portal to further your knowledge and understanding of Western Dressage.
  • Horse Lifetime Points & Awards Program: Earn awards and recognize the accomplishments of your horse over his/her lifetime as you achieve test scores and rail class placings in Western Dressage shows at all levels. Rules and other information available at https://wdaalifetimepoints.org/
  • Social Corral: Private Facebook Group for members to interact, discuss, and conceive new ideas for Western Dressage. Click here to request access to Social Corral.
  • Professional visibility: Free opt-in listing in the WDAA Professional Directory available to be seen by potential clients.
  • Eligibility to show at the Western Dressage World Championship Show.
  • Free Ride a Test for Junior Members: FREE Video Ride a Test Program for WDAA Junior Members! This wonderful benefit is available to current WDAA Junior members only. Learn More through this link: https://www.westerndressageassociation.org/wdaa-ride-a-test
  • Free 1 Year USEF Fan Membership ($25 value) with access to USEF videos, searches, and discounts. Click here for the WDAA/USEF Member Benefits Comparison.
  • Eligibility to become a WDAA State Affiliate member to connect locally to participate in Western Dressage shows, clinics and other activities and share your love of the horse with new friends and like-minded riders in your community.
  • WDAA/USEF Western Dressage Judges Seminar an invaluable educational opportunity to learn just what judges are trained to look for, open to all members.
  • The Dressage Foundation Century Club for Western Dressage riders from The Dressage Foundation. Visit their website to learn more: http://www.dressagefoundation.org/grants-and-programs/century-club/
  • Riding Warehouse: 15% off your order with Riding Warehouse for our WDAA members. 
  • USRider: At USRider, we are committed to the welfare and safety of our Members and their Horses. WDAA Members will receive 20% off all memberships through USRider with our member code https://www.usrider.org/become-a-member-start-saving/

Lifetime Member (Founding Pioneer) Benefits:

  • Recognition and acknowledgment as an integral part of the foundation of the Western Dressage Association of America and it's future growth.
  • Listing on our Lifetime Member Page thanking you for your support of the growth of Western Dressage.

Military Veteran Annual Member Benefits:

  • Veteran Lifetime Membership is available at a 50% discount and includes special recognition for service on our website (www.westerndressageassociation.org) and a beautiful silver belt buckle engraved with your name and military branch as a gift of appreciation from WDAA for your service to our country.
  • Military Veteran Annual Memberships receive a tie tack as a gift of appreciation from WDAA for your service to our country.

Other benefits offered by WDAA to all Western Dressage enthusiasts:

  • WDAA Western Dressage Tests: Use these sequential and fun tests to evaluate your readiness to progress to the next level.
  • WDAA Website contains all pertinent information concerning Western Dressage.
  • Monthly WDAA Electronic Newsletter.
  • Active Facebook page.
  • Personal attention from attentive WDAA staff members by phone, text, email, and Facebook messages.
  • Advocacy for Western Dressage enthusiasts.
  • Specialized news and articles: Featured topics including riding & training tips, horse health, Q&As as well as human interest.