The WDAA Exceptional Rider Program consists of 2 divisions.

The Physically Challenged Rider Division and the Therapeutic Rider Division – riders must present a WDAA Exceptional Rider Eligibility form when entering a WDAA Recognized show. Download the Exceptional Rider Eligibility Form.

Exceptional riders may not cross enter between the Physically Challenged and Therapeutic divisions. 

  • Physically Challenged Division classes – These classes use standard WDAA tests. This division is open to individuals with a diagnosed significant physical disability. Riders in this division may have a caller but are not able to have a coach or side walker.
  • Therapeutic Rider Division classes – These classes use WDAA Therapeutic Rider tests. This division is open to individuals with a diagnosed physical, social, or emotional disability.

***Exceptional Rider Division (Exhibition only, not USEF regulated) ***

Horses and riders entered only in the Exceptional Rider Division at USEF-licensed shows are exempt from USEF membership requirements, and do not have to pay non-member (show pass). Federation and drug fees do not apply. Horses entered only in these classes are still subject to and must comply with the Drugs and Medication rules and are subject to drug testing. Participants must abide by all USEF/WD regulations pertaining to attire, tack, and equipment for the WDAA recognized show. Reference USEF GR120 for additional information regarding exhibition classes at USEF-licensed shows. 

WDAA Horse Lifetime Points and Awards Program points may be earned in both divisions.

Horses in Therapeutic Rider classes earn points according to the Therapeutic Riding points chart -