Tami Steinbrecher | WDAA Board Member

Tamra (Tami) Steinbrecher, a devoted lifelong learner of all things horse, has left an indelible mark on the equestrian community through her passion and dedication. Born with an innate love for horses, Tami's journey began at a young age and has since evolved into a remarkable commitment to their well-being and the promotion of equestrian sports and the gaited breeds.

Throughout her extensive involvement in the equestrian world, Tami held various notable positions, each reflecting her commitment to the equine community. Her work includes significant contributions to the Western Dressage Association of Georgia (WDAGA). For the past five years, Tami has served with distinction as both the Vice President and President of WDAGA, solidifying her reputation as a leader and advocate for the sport of Western Dressage.

Tami was a valued member of the Georgia 4H State Advisory Committee for the State 4H Horse Show and Horse School for many years. Her contributions to the committee were instrumental in enhancing the quality and scope of educational programs and competitions aimed at nurturing equestrians' skills and knowledge.

She served as the National Walking Horse Association Youth Chairperson, where her leadership and vision helped shape the future of youth engagement. Her innovative ideas and tireless efforts not only fostered a sense of camaraderie among young equestrians but also paved the way for their growth and development within the sport.

Tami has competed in gaited rail and versatility events for over two decades, earning titles at the national, international and world levels. Her Tennessee Walking Horse was selected as the USEF Horse of the Year in 2022 and 2023 for Western Dressage Levels 2 and 3, the first TWH to receive that honor. Professionally, Tami served as both a local and federal law enforcement officer, including assignments to two mounted patrol units.
Tami and her husband live on a horse ranch in the North Georgia mountains with their Tennessee Walking Horses and assorted dogs and cats.