2024 WDAA Western Dressage Online International Challenge - Team Competition

Entry forms must be completed online by 8:00pm CT on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.

Online International Challenge Teams Program Introduction

The WDAA Online International Challenge (OIC) Teams Competition Is a great way to share the online show experience with friends and family, old and new.  Participation in the Teams Competition is open to anyone entered in the OIC who has submitted a ride from a test or freestyle (rail classes are not included). No additional videos are required.  Each member of a Team will designate one of their best tests as the score they will contribute to the Team, this happens BEFORE judging is complete. Each participant whose team wins First – Tenth place, or Honorable Mention, receives a personalized certificate to commemorate their participation.  Each member of a first place Team will receive a special prize. 

Team categories.

  • Junior
  • Adult Amateur
  • Adult Open       
  • Blended Teams
  • Mixed Teams    
  • Freestyle
  • Pairs

Please contact Thallia Blight with all questions;

[email protected]


[email protected]


DivisionCompetitor Division
Junior  Junior riders of all ages
Adult Amateur  Adult Amateur riders 18 years and older
Adult Open  Adult Open riders 18 years and older
Blended Teams For Juniors and Adult Amateurs only (minimum of one of each, Junior and Amateur).
Mixed Teams  Junior and/or Adult Amateur riders plus at least one Open rider.
Freestyle Can be any combination of Junior, Amateur Adult, or Open riders; each with their own freestyle entry.
Pairs Two different riders, in any division (Junior, Amateur, Open).


What Makes A Team


  • Team members can organize at will, and do not have to be from the same barn, locale, state, country, etc.
  • Entry to the Team Competition is not automatically included with entry in the Online International Challenge.
  • Each Team (Junior, Amateur, Open, Blended, Mixed, Freestyle) shall consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of four different riders.
  • Each Pairs Team shall consist of two different riders. A Pairs Team entry cannot be one rider competing with two horses. However, the same horse can be ridden by both riders.


  • Each team shall choose a team name and designate a Team Captain, who will be the primary contact between the team and the teams competition organizer (Thallia Blight).
  • The Team Captain will gather the team member names, rider numbers, and test/class numbers to complete the entry form online.
  • The entry fee for each team is $30.00 per Division entered, payable through PayScape.
  • The Team Captain will complete the entry form online by 8pm CT on Wednesday, June 19, 2024


  1. Each team member must be a current WDAA member and entered in the 2024 WDAA Western Dressage Online International Challenge. No separate video rides are required or permitted.
  2. A rider’s Division for team competition is the same division in which they entered the Online International Challenge (Junior, Adult Amateur, Open).
  3. Each rider must designate one test which will be used to calculate the team score. The team members can designate the same test or different tests to be applied to the team score.
  4. Freestyle and Exceptional Rider tests are permitted. Rail classes, including horsemanship, are excluded.
  5. A rider can designate only one test for each team for which they are a member, even if the rider is competing in the OIC with more than one horse. One rider, designating tests with two different horses for the same team, is NOT permitted.
  6. There is no limit as to the number of teams a rider can join, with the same or different tests. The rider can designate the same test for each team, or a different test for each team.
  7. Each horse can be ridden by no more than two riders and can compete on the same or different teams in the same or different team divisions with both riders.
  8. Team entries received on 6/19/24 will be honored. Once judging has commenced no changes/additions can be made to team entries.


  • In the event the video of the designated test is rejected, the rider will have the option of choosing another test for which their video has been accepted, if identified by the closing date for video submissions.
  • If a particular team only has three members, and one of them is eliminated because their video has been rejected and has no other video for scoring, then the two remaining riders may form a Pairs Team.


  1. Upon completion of the judging period, the Team Competition organizer shall request the scores from Show Secretary.
  2. Each team’s score will be calculated as the average of the individual scores of each member of the team.
    Minimum scores required for awards:
    • First Place = 65%
    • Second – Fifth Place = 63%
    • Sixth – Tenth = 60%
    • Honorable Mention = 58%
  3. In the event of a tie between teams:
    • For First Place – the team competition organizer will request the Collective Marks information from the show secretary and calculate the average of those values to determine the team average collective marks score.
    • For placings 2nd – 10th, no tie breaker will be used.
  4. Awards for the Team Competition are separate from those for the online show.
  5. We reserve the option to split Divisions, and present separate/different awards, if entries allow.
  6. Prizes in each Division are:
    • Certificates to First – Tenth Place, and Honorable Mention. Certificates will be provided as pdf documents.
    • An award to each member of a First Place team, will be sent to the Team Captain for distribution to team members.


  1. Who should I contact if I have questions?
    • Contact Thallia Blight at [email protected] or phone 614-688-0207.
    • Please do not contact show secretary Spotlight Horse Shows as she will be busy managing the OIC.
  2. What information does the Team Captain need to complete the online entry form?
    The team captain will provide the following for each team’s entry in a specific Division.
    • The team’s name and team division entered.
    • The captain’s name, email, phone number, and mailing address.
    • For each team member: rider name, rider entry number and test (including class #) designated for the team.
  3. I am entered in the OIC as an Adult Amateur, but included an Open test on my OIC entry. Can I be the Open rider on a team that requires one?
    • No, if you have entered the show as an Adult Amateur, that classification is used for the Team Competition. You can designate the Open test for the team if you wish – but you will still be considered an Adult Amateur participant.
  4. Can a rider be on more than one team?
    • Yes, so long as the rider participates as only one member of each specific team. The rider may designate the same test or different tests for each team.
  5. Can a competitor who is entered in the Online Challenge with multiple horses be on multiple teams?
    • Yes, so long as the rider represents only one member of a specific team.
  6. Can the horse be competed by more than one rider?
    • Yes, a horse can be competed by no more than two riders and can compete on the same or different teams.
  7. Can team members designate the same test for scoring?
    • Yes! Unlike previous years, team members can designate the same test, or di