For Justin Byrom Cummins, entering the WDAA World Champion Show in Guthrie, OK was for him and us a unique and wonderous time filled with great moments, we and he will remember for a long time.
I can't tell you how much or enough what this positive experience did for him. Justin, is Savant Autistic. He came to Andrew James and I, as a homeless 25 yo. man in distress 3 years ago by happen chance or divine intervention. Andrew & I took him in. He required a lot of mental health care which we were able to get for him. Over time he proved himself an invaluable asset with our 12 show horses. He and they bonded well with each other. He took on their care and maintenance for us. His connection with the horses, his fondness and how they work so well for him is wonderfully beautiful.
However, his past history was one of severe neglect and numerous revolving foster homes from age 7 to 16. Adopted for 1 year. After which at 18, he was turned out on his own. His sad history resulted in effecting him, to lack basic educational and social skills in communication, speech (sever stuttering) and conversation. But he wanted badly to fix all that. Our horses proved allies in helping him along. He loves being with horses. He has been helpful to Andrew & I at horse competition shows in every aspect.
He thought he might someday learn to ride. But he was afraid to ride. Fear of falling off, fear of incompetence as a rider. I was able to help him overcome those fears. He only began to learn to ride 3 months prior to the WDAA World Championship Show this year, 2022. But as he took to the lessons so well, we suggested he might think about competing with us at the WDAA World Champion Show on one our qualified mares. He thought to enter the Exceptional Riders Coached Tests, 1 & 2 and what came of it accelerated his mental health light years ahead. Justin won both his classes with very good scores, 64 & 68. Earning him 2 WDAA jackets, saddle pad and a Silver Buckle along with several big ass ribbons he so covets. The judge's score comments were so helpful and positive. He was so poised and confident in both his rides. His new self-esteem, self-confidence and self-worth improved vastly and has benefited him into many other areas of need for him.
Andrew and I never imagined how so much more beneficial this experience would turn out for him. We are beyond ecstatic for his accomplishments. Justin is looking forward to his next show with new enthusiasm.
Thank you folks for being inclusive and adding these therapeutic classes and for helping to bring about a strong positive factor in this person's life.
Another thank you to all the folks Justin met at the WDAA World Show 2022, who took him in as one of their own as a friend. For those who might not have known his name, he was the one who said Hi to everyone, asked about your rides and wished you all a good ride.
Best regards to all & till next year, Justin Byrom Cummins, Andrew James and Danny Sal Da Na.