USEF Horse of the Year Ceremony Western Dressage had a HUGE presence at the USEF Annual Meeting this year! Congratulations go to our own Ellen DiBella, WDAA Past President and now the first WDAA Director Emeritus. USEF added to her vast list of accomplishments at the 2018 Pegasus Awards ceremony and awarded her the Pegasus Medal of Honor! For her tireless work to create and grow the now booming discipline of Western Dressage! There was also a Western Dressage meeting held during the USEF Annual Meeting which was very well attended and very informational
WDAA Wishes to congratulate Cobra the Three Strikes Mustang and Western Dressage World Champion on being voted USEF National Horse of the Year!!! What an asset he is to the horse community in general, may he enjoy his well-earned retirement! WDAA wants to also congratulate this year’s USEF Horse of the Year National High Point winners! Intro Level - SHARIS GEMINI /MANN CZAJA, MONIQUE – FL Basic Level - AM SWEET VICTORY+++/ /TAYLOR, MARIE – VA Level 1 - ZIPS BIT OF LUCK /ROSS, TERRI – FL Level 2 - PROUD TRADITION /CORBETT, MARCIA – FL Level 3 - TRULY UNSURPASSED /CONLEY, NANCY KAYE – GA Level 4 - COBRA /HARTFORD-SAPP, MARSHA – FL