President's Letter

Dear Friends,
One of the reasons we all love Western Dressage Association of America (WDAA) so much is because WDAA welcomes and values all equines. Whether they are big or small, old or young, gaited or non-gaited, we love them all.
Some of you have wondered what WDAA and its members can do to promote the humane treatment of all equines. Some have discussed implementing a minimum age for horses to show or a maximum number of tests per day a horse can show in. These ideas and others have been mulled over by the USEF Western Dressage Committee, the WDAA Board of Directors and other WDAA committees.
Committee members agree that there is no perfect limit for all horses since horses are individuals at different stages of training, health and fitness. Making rules for the few people who let their equine partners down should not limit competent owners and trainers from making appropriate decisions for their equines.
So, WDAA has developed a value statement, posted on our website to explain our position and expectations for riders, trainers and owners regarding equine welfare.
This is WDAA’s value statement:
Horse welfare is WDAA’s highest priority. We believe in using a systematic training method to train horses so they have the opportunity to learn and be valued partners for their entire lives. However, we do not condone starting or showing immature horses, over-showing any horse, forcing unsound horses to work, or any other abusive or unethical behaviors. We ask WDAA members to join us in this mission to continually respect and protect our equine partners. It's about the journey.
I believe this statement represents how we all feel and I hope you will think of it and live by it, considering always what is best for the horse in all that you do. Sometimes it is hard to know what is best. I truly believe that most of us already do as much as we can to protect and respect our equine partners because we love them. However, we must will ourselves to be patient waiting for the young to mature or injuries to heal. We must seek veterinary advice when necessary. We must think of and take action toward preserving health and preventing problems that arise from pushing too hard. Loving horses is not always easy, but it is always worth it. It makes us better people.
Enjoy the Journey,
Cindy Butler, Your President
Western Dressage Association of America
Entries open for the 2021 WDAA Western Dressage Online International Challenge May 24th!
We hope you are planning on participating in the 2021 Online International! It will be a truly unique showing experience with unprecedented prizes and competitions.
WDAA Harmony Award Trophy Saddle:
You can win a beautiful trophy saddle made by master saddle maker Mike Corcoran! Everyone who shows in both the WDAA Online International and the WDAA World Show can qualify. Click this link to see how!
WDAA Online International Challenge Team Competition.
Click this link for more information:
The Lynn Palm Western Dressage Fund
Thanks to the continued generosity of Lynn Palm, grants for individual riders are now available through her Grant Fund at The Dressage Foundation (TDF). The Lynn Palm Western Dressage Fund was established in 2019 to provide grants for Western Dressage educational events, and now individuals riders are also able to apply for financial help for their Western Dressage education.
- Beginning this year, $1,000 grants will be available annually for riders who need financial help to continue their Western Dressage education. Information and the online application can be found at Applications are due on or before July 20th.
- Grants from the Lynn Palm Fund will continue to be available for Western Dressage clinics, camps, and symposia. Those applications are due at least 90 days prior to the event.
For information about the new rider grants or the grants for group events, visit >Grants and Programs>Western Dressage.
The Ellen DiBella Western Dressage Scholarship
The American Morgan Horse Educational Trust (AMHECT) is thrilled to announce the creation of a NEW scholarship opportunity for AMHA members. The Ellen DiBella Western Dressage Scholarship was established to promote the use of Morgan horses within the growing discipline of Western Dressage
The Scholarship is named to honor Ellen DiBella of Parker, Colorado in recognition for her years of service to all things Morgan and especially her support in the creation of the Western Dressage Association of America (WDAA).
- One scholarship will be awarded annually in an amount up to $1,000 to further the training and education of the applicant and their Morgan horse(s).
For more information regarding the scholarship parameters or to obtain an application visit American Morgan Horse Association - The Ellen DiBella Western Dressage Scholarship
Horse Welfare and WDAA
Horse welfare is WDAA’s highest priority. We believe in using a systematic training method to train horses, so they have the opportunity to learn and be valued partners for their entire lives. However, we do not condone starting or showing immature horses, over-showing any horse, forcing unsound horses to work, or any other abusive or unethical behaviors. We ask WDAA members to join us in this mission to continually respect and protect our equine partners. It's about the journey.
Don't forget that you can complete a Century Ride during the International Challenge!!
The Dressage Foundation Century Club welcomes anyone wishing to complete their Century Ride during the Online International Challenge. The Dressage Foundation recognizes North American dressage riders and horses whose combined ages total 100 years or more. Horse and rider perform a test of any level, at a show (schooling or recognized) or event and are scored by a dressage judge or professional. Western Dressage riders are welcome to join the Century Club. Check out page 8 in the prize list under Special Awards for more information, 2021WDAAOnline.pdf (
WDAA calendar update
The WDAA calendar currently has several recognized shows listed, which may cause some difficulty figuring out what dates are open for scheduling a new show or to determine schedules for showing. To help reduce the number of dates displaying show information, we are asking show managers to submit only opening and closing entry dates for online shows in their recognized show forms, not the full span of entry and test submission dates. We believe this will make it much easier for planning show seasons. One of the most efficient ways to look for shows or other event information is to select “List of current events” from the calendar drop-down menu. You can select to see a list of some or all events that are current. This calendar view option provides entry dates for online shows and show dates for live shows. It also displays the state, recognized show number, and a link to the prize list or other information submitted. Searching for shows by state also has been made easier now, with state names written out instead of using abbreviations. We hope these updates make it easier for navigating through the calendar.
Don't forget to complete your yearly USEF Safesport training update.
It takes very little time and helps WDAA present itself to the world as a contentious group of safety minded enthusiasts.
WDAA Non-Discrimination Policy.
The Western Dressage Association of America does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members and volunteers.