President's Letter

Dear Friends,
Many of you are starting to film your Online WDAA World Championship Show tests or preparing to enter the show. So, most of this newsletter will be dedicated to providing information regarding the show. It’s exciting to see how many of you have entered and how many are entering your very first World Show. I am elated that you have the opportunity to show horses that wouldn’t be able to make the trip to Oklahoma for various reasons. I wish you all the best of luck as you prepare your videos.
I applaud our World Show team that made this show possible with very little time between a concept and implementation. Your Executive Director, Dini Swanson, your World Show Secretary, Susan Peacock, your video screeners, Cindy Reid and Vivian VanBuren, the WDAA Executive Board and many others opened their minds and rolled-up their sleeves to make this show happen in a year when many other shows were cancelled. Not only are we having a show, but we’re doing it in the safest way possible.
For all WDAA Western Dressage Online World Championship Show information please visit
- Entries close September 28th. If you haven't mailed in your entries by now, please enter online. Mailed in entries must be RECEIVED by September 28th.
- As soon as you enter and receive your "sign" for your video, you may begin recording your rides. Each ride gets its own sign.
- Video submissions begin October 1st and end October 19th. Keep an eye on for an instructional video.
As I continue my journey with WDAA, I love how progressive, versatile and brave our organization and its members are. It gives me hope and faith that we can do anything we can imagine and reminds me that roadblocks encourage us to find new roads.
Cindy Butler, Your President
Western Dressage Association of America
To be eligible for these awards you must show in at least 2 classes in the same level.
The more tests you show in the same level, the better chance you have to have a higher score calculated for the award. See page 6 of the prize list.
"Awarded to the highest average percentage of the top two scores at the level. One score MUST be from either test 3 or test 4 and the other score can be from any other test."
Exceptional Rider Division: WDAA does not require any documentation to qualify for Exceptional Rider classes, we are on the honor system. An exceptional rider is one with permanent, measurable disabilities (intellectual or physical), not those that are temporary. Exceptional rider exhibitors may not cross enter into other classes in the show. It is up to the exhibitor and/or coach to determine where the rider would feel most comfortable and be able to compete fairly, Therapeutic Riding classes or Physically Challenged classes.
Therapeutic Riding Classes – must use WDAA Exceptional Rider tests You have the chance to choose 3 different Exceptional rider tests.
Therapeutic Riding TR1 = choose one of the Exceptional rider tests
Therapeutic Riding TR2 = choose another of the Exceptional rider tests
Therapeutic Riding TR3 = chose one more of the exceptional rider tests
Physically Challenged Classes (can include those with intellectual disabilities) – must use current WDAA tests that are used by all other exhibitors, except for those showing in the Therapeutic classes. You have the chance to choose 3 different WDAA tests.
PC Test of Choice PC1 = choose one of the WDAA tests
PC Test of Choice PC2 = choose another of the WDAA tests
PC Test of Choice PC3 = choose one more of the WDAA tests
- These patterns were designed to be ridden in a large show arena, not in a dressage arena presentation. We are aware that many of you may not have access to a large space. We encourage you to make the most of what you have available at home or within reasonable travel distance.
- The patterns should be ridden as specified, keeping the indicated meters as true as possible in your available space.
- The Dressage letters are irrelevant for this portion of the show. YOUR START TO THE PATTERN SHOULD BE NEAR THE CAMERA LOCATION. This is where the judge would normally be positioned at a show arena facility.
- Our judges will be scoring, on a point-based scale, the required elements of each pattern. The video should also include your information sheet, a specific start point of the pattern, specific end point, and equipment check.
- Intro and Basic tests can be executed in a small ring, using the full width and full length for best visibility.
- L1 and L2 horsemanship patterns require a large dressage court or an open arena. L2 can be executed using the ring placed on its side if necessary.
- Most importantly, this is your time to show the judges your best communication, presentation, and horsemanship between you and you horse. It’s about the journey!
All sponsorships go toward the Online World Show expenses, and WDAA educational offerings and are tax deductible.
Tioga Territory also designed our Online World Show patch that every exhibitor will receive after the show!
- Signs that are for special awards can be discarded, they are automatically generated and not needed for your videos.
- The date can be filled in on the signs on the date you produce your video. The date is not critical and doesn't have to be included.
- A video without the prefilled sign at the beginning will be rejected.
- If you put your horse's breed on the entry form you are automatically eligible for the breed high score awards.
- If you have equipment questions please contact Cindy Reid the Show Manager and equipment checker, [email protected].
- If you entered online you must set up an online account on You should have received an email from [email protected] with instructions. If you have further questions, please reach out to Susan.
- You will need your log in name and password to go back into the system and submit your videos, don't forget them!