President's Letter
Dear Friends,
We’ve made it to Phase III of the World Show!
As an exhibitor, Phase I was pretty easy, just a commitment to video and ride.
Phase II, riding and submitting videos, was a little stressful, but fun. My horse and I improved through the process of preparing and riding and I felt like I was already a winner when the stewards “accepted” my last video submission.
I learned lots about technology and the nuances of online shows versus live shows. I appreciate online shows for: second chances, riding with friends in a familiar arena and having the flexibility to choose the days, times, and places I want to ride. I appreciate live shows for: the spontaneity of the ride, being finished on schedule and the whole atmosphere of being at a show with other riders and horses.
I thought Phase III, judging and scoring, would be the hardest part, the waiting... However, it’s really not because we know when the results will be announced, and we have plenty to do in the meantime. I love the bloopers you’re posting on the WDAA Facebook page. Be sure to “like” everyone’s bloopers so they can all win a prize for 100 “likes”. It’s kind of cool that we all participated in this show together, but from all over the World. We got to have the WDAA Horse Lifetime Points and Awards Program Ceremony via Zoom while waiting for our World Show results. Congratulations to everyone who earned awards.
Congratulations to all of you who rode in the 2020 WDAA World Championship Show Online. We did the pandemic pivot. I’m proud of us and I can’t wait to see you all at the Lazy E in Guthrie, OK next year for the live 2021 WDAA World Championship Show!
Enjoy the Journey!
Cindy Butler, Your President
Western Dressage Association of America
The 2020 WDAA Western Dressage Online World Championship Show is now in Phase 3 - the judging phase.
There are 15 judges viewing just under 2400 videos, that have already been screened by show stewards. Judging will end November 5th and scoring will be completed soon after. Class results will be posted November 10th. We felt this was the fairest way to release the results because we didn't want some getting their scores early and others getting theirs two weeks later. Everyone is in the same boat. For a complete list of World Show judges please visit
The World Show Awards Celebration will be held Saturday, November 14th
World Show Division, Over-All, Special, and Breed High Score Awards will all be presented at the Live World Show Online Awards Celebration via Zoom on Saturday, November 14th beginning at 8:00PM Eastern time. Much more information on that to follow in an email sent directly to exhibitors. Congratulations to all exhibitors on competing in this most historic event!
2020 WHLPAP Awards Celebration
WDAA would like to congratulate the horses enrolled in the WDAA Horse Lifetime Points and Awards Program on their 2020 journey!! 100 awards were presented to 79 horses on Saturday night, October 24th. Check out this recording of the presentation.
Watch the video of the presentation by clicking here...
Hopefully we will be back at the Lazy E next year to celebrate in person. Thanks to Jenny McBurnett for taking such great photos of our beautiful awards! For information on the WDAA Horse Lifetime points and Awards Program please visit Here are just a sampling of the beautiful awards presented.
Due to the overwhelming popularity of our Online World Championship Show, WDAA is very pleased to announce that we will now host 2 shows per year.
Get ready for an International Online competition in June of 2021!!! WDAA Members will get the chance to help us name the show by way of a member survey that will be sent next month. It will be run in a very similar manner as the 2020 World Show is being held.
The 2021 WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show will be held late September at the Lazy E in Guthrie, OK. We feel very confident that we will be able to host a safe and healthy, in-person World Championship show 11 months from now. We hope to see you all at BOTH shows in 2021!
**Please note**
- You can now join or renew your membership with WDAA and a state affiliate on the same form at once the renewal period opens mid-November. One-stop shopping all in one place!
- The Professional directory on the WDAA website will now be a free member benefit. You will have the opportunity to opt into the directory and submit a bio once the renewal period opens mid-November.