President's Letter
Dear Friends,
Well, 2020 is almost over. I’m not sure what that really means. Are we in the homestretch? Is this only half-time? Is this just the beginning of a marathon? I don’t know. I am sad for those who have lost love ones, jobs, and experiences. However, I am hopeful for the future.
I am hopeful that new vaccines along with other control measures will contribute to ending the pandemic and save thousands of lives. I am hopeful that life will get a little more “normal” in that we will enjoy gatherings such as fairs and horse shows again, even if we do it in a more educated way. I am hopeful that businesses will survive and children will go back to school, that the horse industry will thrive and that WDAA can continue to grow and serve our members well.
I am also grateful for what I have learned this year and for the amazing, open-minded people who came together and worked like crazy to accommodate our membership this year despite the pandemic. I am thankful for you long-time members who have continued to support each other and WDAA. I am grateful for you, new members who found us during trying times.
WDAA’s membership increased by 30% after we recognized online shows. WDAA will continue to recognize both live and online shows in the future in consideration of all our members.
The best thing WDAA staff, contractors and volunteers learned in 2020 was how to be flexible and how flexible our members can be. I am proud of all of us for trying something new, learning new technology and helping each other participate in shows this year.
2020 seems to validate the expression, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”. Thank you all for learning the ways with us.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year,
Cindy Butler, Your President
Western Dressage Association of America
Membership Notification
All WDAA memberships expire on Jan 1st. If you haven't renewed your membership yet please do so ASAP. Your membership is vital to the survival of the Association. All members enjoy several unique member benefits, here are a few for example;
- The Top Rides from each division from the 2020 Online Western Dressage World Championship Show will be posted on the WDAA Members Learning Management System, complete with copies of the judged tests. This is an invaluable educational offering.
- All WDAA Members will have a say in the name of the WDAA Online show in June. A questionnaire will be sent soon to the membership asking for suggestions.
- Formerly a $50 yearly fee, the WDAA Professional Directory on the WDAA website is now a free member benefit. You will have the opportunity to opt into the directory and submit a bio on your member profile.
- Only current WDAA members are able to access the very helpful and informative WDAA Social Corral on Facebook.
2020 WDAA/USEF Judges' Seminar
The 2020 WDAA/USEF Judges Seminar has been canceled.
In its place we will offer an online version. The deadline for judges that must renew in 2021 is the end of 2021. The online version is in development now and will be available late-spring early-summer. We will contact all licensed judges with further information. If you have questions, contact [email protected].
2020 WDAA Online Western Dresage World Championship Show by the numbers.
2267 - Tests ridden
750 - Horse and rider combinations
575 - Addresses to ship exhibitor packages to
357 - Amateur riders
350 - Award winners
253 - Green Horns (horse and rider World Show first-timers)
101 - Silver Spur riders (Horse and rider ages add up to 75+)
51 - Horse breeds represented
44 - US States Represented
30 - International riders
23 - Military Veteran riders
15 - Exceptional riders (Physically Challenged and Therapeutic riders)
15 - Judges
3 - Stewards
Countless stories of triumph shared
1 - Association of members, board members and staff that worked together to pull off the impossible!!
WDAA is eternally thankful for this community's participation, enthusiasm and heart felt love of Western Dressage. Bring on 2021!!! We can handle it!