What does the judge want to see in a successful test?
By Dolly Hannon
· Regular and free gaits and paces (variations of the gaits) that have no rhythm issues and are elastic and expressive, with reach and springiness. Horse covers ground without speed or loss of balance.
· Correct basics of both horse and rider according to the training scale or pyramid. Correct position and equitation of the rider; correct basics and training of the horse according to the requirements of the level being shown. Horse is being shown at an appropriate level and not being over faced.
· A good relationship exhibiting harmony and a clear partnership between the horse and rider.
· Thoughtful transitions that are well prepared and thought out.
· Accuracy of both movement figures and corners.
· A rider who pats and or praises their horse at the end of the ride.
· A happy horse who knows its job and looks very willing throughout the test and pleased with itself at the end.
If you know you can fulfill these expectations of the judge you should have a fun and a successful ride.