June 2017 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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A Letter From Your WDAA President
Has anyone else had to put blankets on shivering horses in May? The strange weather continues here in Colorado; the rule of thumb is that you can safely put in tomato plants after Mother’s Day. Not this year! We had six inches of snow and three nights below freezing. The horses and I followed our usual calendar. They were wearing blankets and I had to replant the garden!

Show season is in full swing. Be sure to check the Events Calendar on the WDAA website for clinics and shows in your area. Participation in our Show Recognition Program and our Lifetime Horse Points and Awards Program continues to grow. For information about both programs just click on: http://www.wdaaworldshow.org/wdaa-horse-lifetime-points-and-awards-program/. WDAA has recently received some point submissions for horses from shows that were not WDAA recognized and has sadly had to decline those submissions. Share your pride in your horse and your partnership by enrolling your horse now. Also, if you know of WD shows in your area that could qualify for WDAA recognition, speak with the organizers about the possibility for the show to be recognized and send the show organizer’s contact information to us at [email protected]. The more shows we have, the more points and awards your horse can earn.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day and enjoyed graduations at every level. I sobbed through a high school graduation for our grandson, Alec, who is heading to the Air Force Academy where he will play football and study hard. I have promised not to bring him homemade chicken soup, but I may send his grandfather down to check on him from time to time.

Enjoy the sunshine and the warm weather if you are in the Midwest or north. If you are in the south, stay cool and bug free. Go out and hug a horse who will not shed on you!
WDAA Horse Lifetime Points & Awards Achievements June 2016 – April 2017
WDAA would like to congratulate the following Horses on their amazing achievements in the WDAA Horse Lifetime Points and Awards Program, these awards among others will be presented during the Honors Luncheon at the WDAA Annual Meeting Sept 27th at the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, OK . Registration information will be posted soon. Great job to all of the horses and their partners! 

Give an Away Show a Try

Preparing for a competition begins at home and in the barn with feeding and grooming for success and conditioning and training both horse and rider. This takes months of hard work but it is only the beginning. Checking tack and bits and other equipment to ensure that it fits well, is just right for the horse, in good repair and legal is another challenge. Choosing our attire is fun but also takes time. Packing sheets, blankets, grooming equipment, buckets, stall cleaning equipment, feed, supplements, tack, clothing, and so much more can be overwhelming.
Recognized Show Information
Attention all Western Dressage exhibitors, the following links are included with all WDAA Recognized Show confirmations, please make sure these items are being opened by show management and used.
  • USEF rules for Western Dressage link
  • Western Dressage Judges Guidelines
  • Western Dressage Guidelines for Gaited Horses
  • Western Dressage Equipment guide for your designated person
  • A Letter describing the WDAA Horse Lifetime Points & Awards Program for quick reference by show management
  • A trifold describing the WDAA Horse Lifetime Points & Awards Program that can be copied for competitors
  • WDAA Show recognition logo
Judges Seminar Announcement
The 2018 WDAA/USEF Judges Seminar will be held Feb 6th - 8th in Denver Colorado.The host hotel is the Hilton Garden Inn - Denver Tech Center. The room block has not been set up yet. Registration for the seminar will be open in the next few months, attendees are required to attend the entire program so plan on arriving mid-day on the 6th and not leaving until late night on the 8th. This program is provided as the first step in the application process to become a USEF licensed Western Dressage Judge. Auditors are welcome and encouraged, the seminar is intense, extremely informative, and lots of fun too!
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Western Dressage Education!

Find all the WDAA Tests, Guides and lots of great reading materials in our Western Dressage Education Center!
Clinics & Shows
Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!

WDAA Social Corral

If you wish to be more informed about the Western Dressage movement, we do have a private Social Corral network on Facebook where members of the Western Dressage Association® of America can interact, discuss various topics, conceive new ideas and generally share all things Western Dressage, including people who are instructors, clinicians and even judges like yourself.

Judges Education Program

The WDAA Western Dressage Judge’s Education Program is open to all licensed Dressage judges, Western, Breed judges and those starting out who want to learn about Western Dressage. This Judges Education Program offers training so that they can accurately evaluate horse rider combinations, score the tests and provide comments.

Current Licensed WDAA Judges

Find A TTT Graduate

The Western Dressage Association® of America has a list of professionals that have graduated from the past few years of Train The Trainer Clinics. If you are looking for an instructor or trainer in your area..

WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.

Follow Us on Facebook

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all of the latest Western Dressage updates from all over the US and Canada.

Find new WD groups, follow your favorite riders, find shows and clinics and connect up with Western Dressage friends in your neck of the woods.

Please Join our rapidly-growing online community...
Why Be A WDAA Member?
Ever wondered what it means to be a WDAA member? Sure, you get access to the Social Corral, events, dressage tests, and tons of information on our website; you can participate in high points programs and receive our awesome newsletter each month, but what else?

Breed Alliances


Corporate Sponsor

International Alliance Partners


About The Western Dressage Association® of America is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization focused on providing a model of horsemanship which optimizes the partnership of horse and rider for their mutual benefit.  The mission of the Western Dressage Association® is to honor the horse, to value the partnership between horse and rider and to celebrate the legacy of the American West which it focuses on through its offerings of educational opportunities and events to the equestrian community.
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April 2017 Newsletter

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Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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A Letter From Your WDAA President
After several strange weather months here in Colorado, the meadowlarks are here singing their beautiful song and the crabapple trees are blooming. I can best describe the shedding horses as “moth eaten.” I love to take a shedding blade and just peel that nasty winter hair off! We are getting ready for Easter, which means counting the plastic Easter eggs and stuffing them with candy and money; the older the grandchildren get, the more important the money component is!

Dini Swanson and I made a quick trip to Kentucky to meet with the USEF Marketing Department about partnering to create educational videos about Western Dressage. USEF is following up on their commitment to focus on education, and WDAA is an eager partner in this. Dini and I saw Bill Moroney, the CEO of USEF; he is looking forward to being at our 2017 World Championship show. His experience at our 2016 show was wonderful; he saw horses and people having fun at a horse show. He is working on a golf cart theme; it worries me a little because my daughters are his partners in this. Cross your fingers!

The 2017 show season is launching; folks who live in warmer climates have never stopped showing in Western Dressage, but those of us who have cold weather, snow, and bad roads and horses with lots of hair are getting ready to ride and show. The WDAA Show Recognition Program and the Lifetime Points and Awards Program are both very busy; Kathy Newcomb, who manages these programs as well as our membership and state affiliates, is really busy, but just as excited as we all are.

WDAA has received two grants from our partners at USEF; one is for Membership, which we have used to support our Honor’s Luncheon at the Annual Meeting and the other is for Youth promotion. The WDAA board is open to proposals for using these grant funds. For more information on the guidelines for these grants, please go to the USEF.org site. In 2016, the Youth grant supported a Western Dressage clinic hosted by Ohio Southern University, which hosted five university teams and one 4 H group.

My thanks to our wonderful staff at WDAA. They continue to amaze the board with their devotion to Western Dressage and their commitment to customer service. I keep thinking that there must be downtime, but I have not found it yet.

Go hug a horse! Ellen
Here Comes the Judge
A Western Dressage competitor has a list of “must haves” when they look for a show. Showing takes time, money, and a great deal of effort. WDAA’s commitment to education of judges and USEF’s licensing process are focused on ensuring that the pool of licensed judges are the best that they can be.

WDAA has committed significant resources to support the goal of an educated pool of judges to officiate in Western Dressage. This has been a “work in progress” since WDAA became the USEF Recognized Affiliate for Western Dressage. We began by “grandfathering” all USEF-licensed dressage judges and have worked to broaden that pool of judges by creating the Accelerated Training Program to bring both dressage judges and breed judges into our judging pool. The WDAA Judges’ Seminar held each February and the Group Apprentice Judging Program at our WC show are part of WDAA’s commitment to education for Western Dressage judges. This program recognizes very explicitly that Western Dressage is different than dressage in that we use the principles of classical dressage training to improve our Western horses in all disciplines and endeavors.

As our pool of USEF-licensed judges grows, WDAA tracks the number and geographic distribution of our Western Dressage judges. The Licensed Officials Committee of USEF meets several times a year to review applicants who have complete the rigorous requirements for licensing a USEF Western Dressage Judge. The process is time consuming, expensive, and demanding intellectually. WDAA is committed to rewarding those individuals who complete this challenge; they have demonstrated their determination to understand Western Dressage and to hone their skills as judges.

The April Licensed Officials Committee meeting will have 10 new applicants who have gone through the very demanding process for licensing. The USEF website shows that there are 43 individuals who currently have a Western Dressage license. This includes “r” judges who can officiate through Level 1 and “R” judges who can officiate at all levels. These judges can also officiate in rail classes, including Suitability, Hack, and Equitation.

WDAA has tasked our WDAA Rules Committee with proposing any changes to the requirements for licensing to judge Western Dressage. You will see a rule change proposal that would limit this to judges who are licensed by USEF to judge Western Dressage rather than to allow any judge that holds a USEF dressage license to officiate. This rule would apply to USEF licensed shows only and would NOT impact schooling shows. If approved by the WDAA board after input from members and state affiliates this proposal would go to USEF to be reviewed by USEF committees and for a vote by the USEF Board in January of 2018. If adopted, this rule would take effect 12/1/2018 for the 2019 competition year.

WDAA looks for your input on all of the rule change proposals and for your suggestions for rule changes. Please look to our website for information and guidance for your thoughts.
USEF Western Dressage Judges by Region

Blue = 6
Green = 12, April applicants = 2
Yellow = 2, April applicants = 2
Purple = 12
Orange = 8, April applicants = 4
Red = 3, April applicants = 1

*USEF Licensed Officials Committee will meet mid-April to review 10 Western Dressage judge applicants.

2017 WDAA World Show Prizelist

Are you ready for the 2017 WDAA World Show? We are! And now the 2017 WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Prize List is posted!
View the Prizelist
Words Matter
Words matter and knowing what terms mean and don’t mean is not always as easy as it is important. Here is a quick cheat sheet for all of us:

1. “Western Dressage Judge” USEF licenses Western Dressage Judges; WDAA does NOT license them. WDAA is responsible for training and testing judge candidates; we work closely with the Licensed Officials department at USEF and the Licensed Officials Committee to ensure that our training and testing program is excellent. Western Dressage judges can have either a “r” which allows them to officiate through Level 1 or an “R” which allows them to officiate at all Levels.

2. “WDAA Recognized Show” WDAA does NOT license shows or approve them or sanction them. A show can be “recognized” by WDAA if that show files the appropriate paperwork and meets the requirements set by WDAA. The purpose of Show Recognition is to ensure that competitors who are involved in the Lifetime Points and Awards Program are competing on a fair and level playing field. WDAA Recognized shows may or may not be licensed by USEF or approved by a particular breed. WDAA has breed alliance partners who are not part of USEF and would not be licensed by USEF; the shows put on by these groups can be WDAA Recognized Shows if they meet the requirements. Local groups may put on shows that are not USEF licensed and these shows can also be WDAA Recognized Shows.

3. “USEF Rulebook” Each year, the United Stated Equestrian Federation publishes the rules that govern competitions licensed by USEF. This rulebook can be found on the USEF.org website. It is huge; this year’s rulebook must weigh more than five pounds! There is a chapter for each discipline and breed that is a recognized affiliate of USEF. There is also a General Rules chapter which contains rules which apply to USEF licensed shows. The rules are updated every year in a complex process that attempts to involve all stakeholders and the rulebook is regularly updated on the USEF website. There is a chapter for Western Dressage which contains the rules that apply to Western Dressage.

4. “WDAA Horse Lifetime Points and Awards Program” This program was created by WDAA and is governed and managed by WDAA. It is separate from any USEF awards program such as Horse of the Year (HOTY), breed awards programs, WDAA state affiliate award programs, etc. WDAA does not make rules for any awards program other than our Horse Lifetime Points and Awards Program. If you have questions about other awards program, contact USEF, the breed or the state affiliate for answers and help.

If you have questions about other terms, please email [email protected] for information. We look forward to getting your questions and to help you find answers.
Meet the new World Show Manager Jon C Haugen
Jon grew up with horses in his life. His mother and sisters all competed in the Saddlebred show world and at the age of 16, he was blessed with an amazing Standardbred that he competed in the Roaster division. He and his great horse were undefeated for 10 years at the National Western Stock Show. 

He married into the horse business to his wife of over twenty years, Julie,  and they worked together, training and competing horses in the show horse, dressage and combined driving worlds,  while raising their two children. During that time he managed and was secretary for numerous local Morgan Dressage competitions. 

In the last five years, he has had the opportunity to work in the open Dressage show management and assistant secretary position with a large company in Colorado.  Where he has gained much experience with multiple ring shows and the various challenges that can arise. 

His true passion is his family and love for people in general. He knows no strangers and has a wealth of information about various topics. His friendly, happy demeanor makes everyone feel welcome and relaxed. He has been told by many he is the best test reader in the world!
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Western Dressage Education!

Find all the WDAA Tests, Guides and lots of great reading materials in our Western Dressage Education Center!
Get More Info
Clinics & Shows
Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!
View Calendar

WDAA Social Corral

If you wish to be more informed about the Western Dressage movement, we do have a private Social Corral network hosted as a Private Facebook Group where members of the Western Dressage Association® of America can interact, discuss various topics, conceive new ideas and generally share all things Western Dressage, including people who are instructors, clinicians and even judges like yourself.
Join the Social Corral

Judges Education Program

The WDAA Western Dressage Judge’s Education Program is open to all licensed Dressage judges, Western, Breed judges and those starting out who want to learn about Western Dressage. This Judges Education Program offers training so that they can accurately evaluate horse rider combinations, score the tests and provide comments.

Learn More

Find A TTT Graduate

The Western Dressage Association® of America has a list of professionals that have graduated from the past few years of Train The Trainer Clinics. If you are looking for an instructor or trainer in your area..
Find a Graduate

WDAA Merchandise General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.
Shop WDAA Gear

Follow Us on Facebook

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all of the latest Western Dressage updates from all over the US and Canada.

Find new WD groups, follow your favorite riders, find shows and clinics and connect up with Western Dressage friends in your neck of the woods. Please Join our rapidly-growing online community...
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Why Be A WDAA Member?
Ever wondered what it means to be a WDAA member? Sure, you get access to the Social Corral, events, dressage tests, and tons of information on our website; you can participate in high points programs and receive our awesome newsletter each month, but what else?
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Breed Alliances


Corporate Sponsor

International Alliance Partners


About The Western Dressage Association® of America is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization focused on providing a model of horsemanship which optimizes the partnership of horse and rider for their mutual benefit.  The mission of the Western Dressage Association® is to honor the horse, to value the partnership between horse and rider and to celebrate the legacy of the American West which it focuses on through its offerings of educational opportunities and events to the equestrian community.
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March 2017 Newsletter

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Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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A Letter From Your WDAA President

The days are getting longer and sometimes warmer. Can Spring be on its way? This is the time of year when the weather makes great promises one day and then sends snow! The horses continue to take therapeutic mud baths and are keeping a sharp eye on the pasture for any signs of green grass. The season of shedding is getting closer; I love to look at shiny, slick coated horses but filling trash cans with muddy winter hair is not so much fun.

In some parts of the country, folks are riding and even competing while others are shoveling snow or building boats! As we look forward to a new competition season with new tests, WDAA is working on production of videos on the new tests. The raw footage for this was shot at our 2016 WC show; that is the easy part. Reviewing each ride to be certain that it is correct and timing voice over is a much more time consuming process! Stay tuned.

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December 2016 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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A Letter From Your WDAA President

It has been a wonderfully warm fall here even if it is very dry.  The past week or so has seen some very cold temps and snow.  The horses have known all along that winter was coming sometime and are very, very furry.  We bundled up to watch high school football; it was 20 degrees with wind!  Our grandson played his last high school football game.  Thanksgiving was wonderful with too much great food to eat and not enough willpower to resist.  I predict a serious diet after the holidays!

The Executive Board of WDAA met in late November; this is our annual reorganizational meeting.  The board had a chance to review our very successful World Championship Show which made money!  Hurray!  We also looked at things that we need to do better for our 2017 show.  Your responses to the survey were read and reviewed by the entire board.  Thank you so much for taking time to share your thoughts with us.  Your feedback guides us in making the next WC show even better and more fun.

The new officers are:  Ellen DiBella, President; Lisa Blackstone, Vice President; Thallia Blight, Secretary; and Cindy Butler, Treasurer.  We are very excited looking forward to getting several new programs going and focusing on exhibitor education.  Memberships for 2017 are coming in at a great rate; this year WDAA is going to a calendar membership year.  No matter when you join, the membership is $25.  Join early!

Points and Awards are going strong!

Our first year…what a year it’s been for the WDAA Horse Lifetime Points and Awards Program! We’ve had 89 horses entered into the program, and already 14 of these horses have earned a Register of Merit award, two of which also earned Register of Achievement. The database software with its built-in intelligence was launched to record horses enrolled into the program, post their scores show-by-show, keep a tally of their points to display when they have reached a new award level, and have all of this information available for everyone to view on the WDAA website with just a couple of keystrokes. We also have made adjustments to the program following the launch to ease the requirements for enrolling horses in the program and to make it easier to access the program rules and other information, including the listing of horses and their points on the website. We will continue to monitor the forms, the site, and the program rules themselves to determine if and when additional modifications would be beneficial or are needed. We are dedicated to making this program enjoyable and rewarding for owners, riders, trainers, and of course…the horses.

We want to remind everyone who has enrolled horses in the program that annual recording renewal forms and fees should be submitted before you go to your first show in 2017. Speaking of forms: we currently receive many forms filled out by hand and mailed through USPS. It appears this method of reporting is being done when payment for the scores posting is being completed by bank check. We encourage everyone to use the online forms for more efficient and faster posting of their test scores, and we now provide a field for participants to select that they are paying by check and to enter that check number so that it can be properly assigned when it comes in the mail.

The Western Dressage Association® of America’s educational mission focuses on honoring the horse and the value of the partnership of horse and rider. Our Horse Lifetime Points and Awards Program recognizes and celebrates the devotion of this relationship through our awards offerings. We look forward to honoring all of the participants in the program though its second year.

For more information on the Lifetime Points and Awards Program go to

Also add, for your Annual Recording Renewal Form visit

Ellen answers the question, "Where are the New 2017 Tests???"

It is almost Christmas! I can tell because my office and my kitchen look like a bomb went off! Wrapping presents, baking and decorating cookies and making candy make a mess. Hopefully, I will get presents under the tree and treats boxed up and delivered by the time I have to put the turkey in the oven! I suspect that most of you are in the same situation.

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October 2016 Newsletter

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Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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A Letter From Your WDAA President

The horses are getting really furry as fall is starting to fade and winter is knocking on the door. The board and staff of WDAA are still working to finalize reports on our World Championship Show, the Annual Meeting and Group Apprentice Judging. The visual on this is my very large dining room table completely covered with piles of paper and my office a disaster. My husband has stopped asking when I will get my office organized or when we will have a dining room table again!

I had a fantastic time at the Lazy E for our meeting, show and the GAJ. The additional benefit is that walking that many miles every day helped me to lose some weight which is no small challenge at my age! Watching great horses and riders, wandering through the barns with USEF CEO Bill Moroney and hearing his excitement about Western Dressage and our show and most of all being able to hear from you all was a wonderful experience for me and for our staff and volunteers.

Dini Swanson went to the Morgan Grand National Horse Show to support Western Dressage there; this show went from one day of Western Dressage tests to two full days. Dini heard lots of excitement about our WDAA show; I went to this show a week later and everyone was still talking about what fun everyone had at our show. Several Western Dressage judges had great things to say about Western Dressage at the Arabian Sport Nationals. We are growing and horses and riders are so excited about this wonderful discipline.

I need to thank so many people whose belief, support, hard work and courage make WDAA and Western Dressage a reality for us and for our horses. The list is almost endless and I am humbled and grateful to each of you. Give yourselves a standing ovation and go out and hug a horse.
2016 WDAA World Show

The party is over and I can’t wait for next year’s party. The board of WDAA wanted our World Championship Show to be a celebration of Western Dressage. Every day at the show was wonderful fun for all of us and I hope for you as well. The weather was perfect: sunny with a breeze and not too warm. Everyone came to have fun, and we did.

When the Executive Board of WDAA took a deep breath and committed to put on our World Championship Show in 2016, it was a little intimidating. Okay, maybe more than a little. Your Executive Board serves as the Show Committee; they have the fiduciary responsibility for our association because we are a 501c3. I would guess that they dealt with more than 500 emails, endured endless hours on conference calls and had a few sleepless nights leading up to the show. We had long lists and high hopes!

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September 2016 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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A Letter From Your WDAA President

The days are getting cooler here and the horses are starting to get some extra hair. It is still August but they are planning ahead. I am calling about more hay and sending in blankets to be washed and repaired; I am planning ahead as well.

I met the daughter of a friend of many years who is now grown with a daughter of her own at a horse show; she was leading her wonderful older saddle seat equitation horse back to his stall. She was so excited and could not wait to tell me that her horse was winning all of his equitation classes thanks to Western Dressage. She went to a clinic and has been using Western Dressage to school her horse and he is calm and confident now. I got a hug for a thanks and was so happy for everyone!

Entries are terrific for our WC show! We are also getting sponsorships for parties, divisions and awards. I hope that you will consider become a sponsor as well; there are a wide variety of levels to fit every budget. We hope that you will be part of this very special show experience whether you will be at the show or not.

Our Group Apprentice Judging program at the WC show is full! This program offers aspiring Western Dressage Judges the opportunity to see a wide variety of rides at all levels and to work with three outstanding judge clinicians. We are an educational 502 c.3 and this program is an integral part of our mission.

Our Annual Meeting will be September 28 and 29; in addition to our Honors Luncheon, we will have a USEF Rules Forum, reports from the President, financial reports, a presentation on Marketing, an Affiliates Roundtable and more. Most exciting of all, we will see demos of the new tests for 2017. Thanks to a generous sponsorship from USEF, the cost of the Annual Meeting is less than half of last year’s meeting.

Both the WDAA rules committee and the USEF Western Dressage rule committees have met in the last two weeks. Both groups have worked very hard to review the Western Dressage chapter and make recommendations for rule changes in response to your requests, feedback from competitions and the requirements of our new tests. Cindy Butler has worked especially hard to put these rules changes in the required format. The members of the USEF WD rules committee spent almost three hours reviewing the proposed rule changes which include a complete rewrite of the entire Equitation Chapter to make it more appealing to both competitions and competitors.

If it sounds like the Executive Board and the staff of WDAA have been busy, you would be correct. We live in a forest of sticky notes! On to the next thing on my list if I can find the right sticky note!

Welcome Thalia Blight to the Executive Board of WDAA

Thallia is a Program Manager at the OSU College of Pharmacy in the Doctor of Pharmacy program. Her job involves daily communication with students, pharmacist-preceptors, instructors, and clinical site staff members. She is the primary person responsible for attending to educational contracts, and monitors the health requirements compliance for more than 500 students that those contracts require. Thallia also assists in the coordination of the internship scheduling for the program.
After riding in the Equine Affaire “Ride with the Best” clinics in 2013 taught by Cliff Swanson, Thallia helped organize a WDAA Train the Trainer event in Ohio that same year. She has been an active spokesperson for Western Dressage, giving presentations to college clubs, 4-H advisor workshops, and equestrian organizations. She has also coordinated presentations about the sport at the Equine Affaire in Columbus, Ohio for the past three years. Since 2012 Thallia has been blessed to be the human partner of Finest Five, a talented Paint mare whom she leases from her instructor. Thallia and “Five” have shown at the first three WDAA World Shows, and have won three WDAA World Championships at Basic Level.
Thallia has been an active member of the WDAA Marketing Committee and authored a marvelous brochure that WDAA sends to potential commercial partners.  Thallia has a background in and special interest in video education and views a comprehensive member education as a critical next step for WDAA.
Please join us in welcoming Thallia Blight to the Executive Board of WDAA.

Meet the WDAA Staff

Dini Swanson is a familiar face from past World Championship shows and our Judges’ Seminar; she was a wonderful volunteer and is an even better staff member.  As Staff Supervisor, Dini’s job description is long, varied and constantly subject to change.  In addition to being in charge of event planning and execution, Dini works closely with the rest of our staff on day to day operations.  Dini has a talent for asking the right questions of us all and her endless patient and attention to detail are remarkable.  Her biggest challenge is dealing with me!
Kathy Newcomb is a lifelong and well respected horsewoman and breeder whose background in technical writing and editing makes her uniquely well suited to provide support to our state affiliates, our membership program, Lifetime Points and Awards, Show Recognition and more.  Kathy is dedicated to customer service as you know if you have spoken to her or written to her.  Kathy is also in charge of our association cloud; the board has asked Kathy to put all of the important information, minutes, documents, etc on this cloud to protect and to preserve this material.  We are so lucky to have Kathy’s attention to details, commitment to service and her intelligence.
WDAA is delighted to welcome Una Schade to our staff as our new IT support and Online Operations Manager.  Deirdre Davenport left WDAA to pursue other career opportunities and we were without formal IT support for a month.  The Executive Board and staff have had many interesting adventures while operating without an IT net and we are delighted to have Una on our staff.  She has been working very hard catching up with so much ranging from day to day operations and more.  In addition to her extraordinary IT credentials, Una has a significant background in Social Media Marketing.  She combines patience with those of us whose IT ignorance tests her daily with a wonderful sense of humor and love for horses. 
WDAA is fortunate to have a talented and committed staff that is in charge of the day to day business of the association.  Each of these wonderful individuals brings a special set of skills to our association.  Each is a talented horsewoman with specialized knowledge and talents.  To read more about this very special staff please visit:  http://westerndressageassociation.org/category/board-of-directors/staff/

2016 WDAA World Show

Please join us for five fabulous days celebrating our favorite discipline, Western Dressage!

The Annual Meeting and Convention beginning on Wednesday the 28th will start with the debut of the new 2017 tests, meeting registration is required to view the tests, this is an exclusive for meeting attendees. The Honors Luncheon on Wednesday will include the presentation of the first Horse Lifetime Achievement Awards and the Top Hand Award. Thursday morning continues with more educational and instructional information and will culminate with the General Meeting and conversation with the WDAA Board of Directors.
Ellen Says "Be Prepared For a Party or Four".

I have been studying the schedule of events for the WDAA World Championship Show and I see parties and opportunities to get together and celebrate our discipline, our horses and our friends.

Following the Annual Meeting on Thursday and a full afternoon of rail classes, we get together for the Exhibitors’ Meeting and Welcome Pizza Party at the Covered Arena.  I listen better when I have pizza in hand!

Friday will be another busy day filled with classes; be sure to use your imagination when it comes to stall decorations.  The guest judges will be in the barn area on Friday morning. Awards for the Stall Decorating Contest will be a sweet little something complements of the World Show Committee. The girls and I will have two golf carts; you will not be surprised to hear that one will have a Denver Bronco theme.  

Friday night we have the Costume Freestyle and party in the Roper’s Cantina.  Bill Moroney, CEO of the United States Equestrian Federation, will be on hand to share in our celebration.  Be sure to come by and introduce yourself to Bill; he is a wonderful horseman who was instrumental in creating the United States Hunter Jumper Assn.  USEF is providing generous sponsorships for our Annual Meeting and for our show.

Saturday night is the Gala Dinner and Silent Auction plus the raffle drawing for the custom Western Dressage saddle donated by Mike Corcoran.  Get those raffle tickets for the saddle now; you do not need to be present to win the saddle. Click Here to Win A Custom Saddle. A great time is planned with great food, music and fun. Be sure to purchase tickets ASAP $30 each contact Stacia Wert-Gray at [email protected] . I will look for everyone at the covered arena with their party bling on and ready to cut a rug!

After the show on Sunday, we will have a Farewell Party and presentation of Awards for Breeds, Division, State Affiliate sponsored Awards and High Score Rider Awards for Open, Amateur and Junior. 

This hospitality and the outstanding awards are made possible by the generosity of our sponsors; you can check this ever growing list on the WDAA World Championship Show website and in the program at the show.  Each of these wonderful sponsors deserves our thanks. They certainly have the thanks of the board and staff of WDAA and our show management team.  See you at the Lazy E!

World Show Website | Annual Meeting Schedule
Shout Out to Sponsors for the World Show

WDAA and the Western Dressage World Championship Show would like to thank our sponsors, with out their thoughtfulness and generosity we would not have a show to put on. It takes all of us pitching in to produce this spectacular stage on which we will display the best that Western Dressage has to offer to the world. We will also be able to produce educational materials for use by enthusiasts through out the world. Please open the link below and thank these people and companies when you come across them at the show, they have made it all possible!"
WDAA Adopts New Calendar Year Membership Format
The new year–2017–is not that far away. WDAA staff are making the final preparations for our first year of memberships that will follow calendar-year renewals, replacing the previous anniversary-based renewals. All WDAA memberships will now begin on January 1st and end on December 31st. This system will better serve our members by allowing for more efficient administration of programs and memberships, eliminating troublesome bookkeeping for members to remember when they need to renew. Following the practice of most organizations, including USEF, AQHA, AMHA, and USDF for example, memberships in WDAA will not be prorated during the year, since this practice also produces inefficiency in the membership administration. We most likely will be sending out invoices for 2017 in November.
We also are pleased to tell you that your membership cards will be commercially prepared and sent to you through USPS instead of emailed to you by MailChimp. We understand that some of these emails end up in spam folders instead of reaching the members. WDAA wants the card to be of better quality for members to keep in an accessible place all year.
The WDAA highly values our members and wants to ensure that they are able to access the full scope of their benefits for the time frame which they have joined the organization. If you have questions or comments regarding the change to the calendar membership renewal date, please message the WDAA via [email protected]. We thank you for sharing this amazing Journey of Western Dressage!

WDAA Horse & Lifetime Points & Awards Program
We are very pleased how the WDAA Horse Lifetime Points & Awards Program is going. There are already 14 horses who have achieved Register of Merit and 2 who have reached the next level Register of Achievement. Many of these horses will be honored and receive their awards at the upcoming WDAA Annual Meeting and Convention at the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, OK September 28 & 29, followed by the WDAA World Show September 29-October 2.

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WDAA Website

Western Dressage Education!

Find all the WDAA Tests, Guides and lots of great reading materials in our Western Dressage Education Center!
Clinics & Shows
Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!

WDAA Social Corral

If you wish to be more informed about the Western Dressage movement, we do have a private Social Corral network where members of the Western Dressage Association® of America can interact, discuss various topics, conceive new ideas and generally share all things Western Dressage, including people who are instructors, clinicians and even judges like yourself.

Judges Education Program

The WDAA Western Dressage Judge’s Education Program is open to all licensed Dressage judges, Western, Breed judges and those starting out who want to learn about Western Dressage. This Judges Education Program offers training so that they can accurately evaluate horse rider combinations, score the tests and provide comments.


Find A TTT Graduate

The Western Dressage Association® of America has a list of professionals that have graduated from the past few years of Train The Trainer Clinics. If you are looking for an instructor or trainer in your area..

WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.

Follow Us on Facebook

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all of the latest Western Dressage updates from all over the US and Canada.

Find new WD groups, follow your favorite riders, find shows and clinics and connect up with Western Dressage friends in your neck of the woods.

Please Join our rapidly-growing online community...
Why Be A WDAA Member?
Ever wondered what it means to be a WDAA member? Sure, you get access to the Social Corral, events, dressage tests, and tons of information on our website; you can participate in high points programs and receive our awesome newsletter each month, but what else?


Breed Alliances


Corporate Sponsor

International Alliance Partners


About The Western Dressage Association® of America is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization focused on providing a model of horsemanship which optimizes the partnership of horse and rider for their mutual benefit.  The mission of the Western Dressage Association® is to honor the horse, to value the partnership between horse and rider and to celebrate the legacy of the American West which it focuses on through its offerings of educational opportunities and events to the equestrian community.
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July 2016 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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Western Dressage Education!

Find all the WDAA Tests, Guides and lots of great reading materials in our Western Dressage Education Center!


Clinics & Shows

Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!

WDAA Social Corral

If you wish to be more informed about the Western Dressage movement, we do have a private Social Corral network where members of the Western Dressage Association® of America can interact, discuss various topics, conceive new ideas and generally share all things Western Dressage, including people who are instructors, clinicians and even judges like yourself.

Judges Education Program

The WDAA Western Dressage Judge’s Education Program is open to all licensed Dressage judges, Western, Breed judges and those starting out who want to learn about Western Dressage. This Judges Education Program offers training so that they can accurately evaluate horse rider combinations, score the tests and provide comments.

Find A TTT Graduate

The Western Dressage Association® of America has a list of professionals that have graduated from the past few years of Train The Trainer Clinics. If you are looking for an instructor or trainer in your area...

WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.

Follow Us on Facebook

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all of the latest Western Dressage updates from all over the US and Canada.

Find new WD groups, follow your favorite riders, find shows and clinics and connect up with Western Dressage friends in your neck of the woods.

Please Join our rapidly-growing online community...


Why Be A WDAA Member?

Ever wondered what it means to be a WDAA member? Sure, you get access to the Social Corral, events, dressage tests, and tons of information on our website; you can participate in high points programs and receive our awesome newsletter each month, but what else?

Why Be a WDAA Member?

A Letter From Your WDAA President

So many wonderful and exciting things are happening for WDAA and Western Dressage that I don’t know quite where to begin!  Every day brings new opportunities and challenges. There is never a dull moment!

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June/July 2016 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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Western Dressage Education!

Find all the WDAA Tests, Guides and lots of great reading materials in our Western Dressage Education Center!


Clinics & Shows

Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!

WDAA Social Corral

If you wish to be more informed about the Western Dressage movement, we do have a private Social Corral network where members of the Western Dressage Association® of America can interact, discuss various topics, conceive new ideas and generally share all things Western Dressage, including people who are instructors, clinicians and even judges like yourself.

Judges Education Program

The WDAA Western Dressage Judge’s Education Program is open to all licensed Dressage judges, Western, Breed judges and those starting out who want to learn about Western Dressage. This Judges Education Program offers training so that they can accurately evaluate horse rider combinations, score the tests and provide comments.

Find A TTT Graduate

The Western Dressage Association® of America has a list of professionals that have graduated from the past few years of Train The Trainer Clinics. If you are looking for an instructor or trainer in your area...

WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.

Follow Us on Facebook

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all of the latest Western Dressage updates from all over the US and Canada.

Find new WD groups, follow your favorite riders, find shows and clinics and connect up with Western Dressage friends in your neck of the woods.

Please Join our rapidly-growing online community...


Why Be A WDAA Member?

Ever wondered what it means to be a WDAA member? Sure, you get access to the Social Corral, events, dressage tests, and tons of information on our website; you can participate in high points programs and receive our awesome newsletter each month, but what else?

Why Be a WDAA Member?

It is summer for sure!

I am spending lots of quality time on the riding lawnmower mowing and spraying for weeds. Although it's a continuing battle, the best that I can manage is a draw! I love having fresh veggies, herbs in the yard and flowers but the “war on weeds” is a constant battle and I do not think that I am winning!
Even though we are all enjoying competing and being able to ride, WDAA has a calendar that focuses us on next year. That may sound silly but as an association that is committed to education and to our obligations as the recognized national affiliate, we have to look ahead. We have several wonderful WDAA committees who are guiding us.
The WDAA test writing committee has been looking critically at the current tests that WDAA has used for the past four years.  They are making revisions to tests based on feedback form competitors, judges. Stewards and show organizers.  This wonderful group has also been asked to create Level Four tests.  As Western Dressage matures and grows, we need to look at our tests as a continuum and ensure that every level offers a consistent approach to building and testing skills and the partnership between horse and rider.
The WDAA rules committee is reviewing the USEF rules the govern Western Dressage and will make recommendations to the USEF Western Dressage Committee.  This group of volunteers is looking at each rule and is eager for input.  You can go to:  www.westerndressageassociation.org/western-dressage-rules-tests to provide your input. 
The WDAA International Committee met to review our international relationships and to ask for input from the Executive Board as we move forward to meet the international demand for Western Dressage.  This committee is grappling with complex issues and brings experience and energy to this committee.
Without the wonderful volunteers who have stepped to serve on committees, the Executive Board would not have the input that it must have to make good decisions for this association and for the discipline of Western Dressage.
Enjoy your horses and enjoy summer!
Ellen DiBella

World Show Entries NOW OPEN!

Entries open TODAY... July 1st for the 2016 WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show.  Join us for 3 ½ days of prizes, parties, education, friends, points, silent auctions, belt buckles, shopping and some competition thrown in there for good measure! For more information on this great event... please visit www.wdaaworldshow.org

August TTT Clinic by WDFTX

The Western Dressage Federation of Texas will host their TTT clinic August 3 & 4,2016 in Magnolia, Texas.

The Train the Trainers™ program is designed educate professional trainers, judges and Western Dressage enthusiasts who want to learn the standards of Western Dressage and how to train, hold clinics, show and judge this exciting new discipline.  A Certificate of Completion will be provided to all clinic graduates.  The WDAA lists all TTT graduate trainers on the WDAA website. Amateurs may also attend, being awarded an Amateur Certificate of Completion. Please note that you must be a current WDAA member to attend.

For more information and details... visit www.wdaatrainthetrainers.org

Custom Saddle Raffle at World Show

As you know, Mike Corcoran or Mike Corcoran Saddlery has supported WDAA again by donating a saddle to be used as a raffle at the 2016 Western Dressage World Championship Show... up to a $4,000 value. He will custom design the saddle to the winner's specifications, so that it can be the correct size for the rider, and most importantly, a custom fit for the horse. Mike is a long-time supporter of WDAA, as well as a WDAA world champion. He is one of very few saddle makers who specialize in saddle-fitting and who is a rider himself, so he understands first-hand how a saddle should function for both horse and rider.


Become a USEF Western Dressage Judge

When WDAA became the USEF Recognized National Affiliate for the discipline of Western Dressage there was an immediate need for a pool of judges to officiate.  With this need in mind, the initial Western Dressage rules specified that USEF licensed dressage judges were able to officiate in Western Dressage.


New Breed Alliance Partnership

WDAA is proud to announce its recent Breed Alliance Partnership with the American Bashkir Curly Registry (ABCR). The American Bashkir Curly Registry shares the WDAA’s deep respect and care for the soundness and longevity of the horse and also values the importance of education for the horse and rider team.  The WDAA is excited for the educational and competitive opportunities that this breed alliance can offer for American Bashkir Curly horses and members of the ABCR to explore additional opportunities to learn, grow, and train to the maximum benefit of the horse and rider partnership.



WDAA Needs your Support!

WDAA needs you!  Whether you plan to attend the 2016 WDAA World Championship show as an exhibitor or a spectator or will be joining by live video feed, you can be part of this amazing celebration of Western Dressage.

Not only will WDAA hold its Annual Meeting and Honors Luncheon at the 2016 World Championship Show, we will also offer educational opportunities for Western Dressage Judges with our Apprentice Judging Program.

There is a wide variety of sponsorship opportunities and levels to chose from.  Many levels of sponsorship offer box seats, tickets to parties and more.

Your Sponsorship at any level is
Tax Deductible!

Breed Alliances


Corporate Sponsor

International Alliance Partners

About The Western Dressage Association® of America is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization focused on providing a model of horsemanship which optimizes the partnership of horse and rider for their mutual benefit.  The mission of the Western Dressage Association® is to honor the horse, to value the partnership between horse and rider and to celebrate the legacy of the American West which it focuses on through its offerings of educational opportunities and events to the equestrian community.

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June 2016 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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Western Dressage Education!

Find all the WDAA Tests, Guides and lots of great reading materials in our Western Dressage Education Center!


Clinics & Shows

Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!

WDAA Social Corral

If you wish to be more informed about the Western Dressage movement, we do have a private Social Corral network where members of the Western Dressage Association® of America can interact, discuss various topics, conceive new ideas and generally share all things Western Dressage, including people who are instructors, clinicians and even judges like yourself.

Judges Education Program

The WDAA Western Dressage Judge’s Education Program is open to all licensed Dressage judges, Western, Breed judges and those starting out who want to learn about Western Dressage. This Judges Education Program offers training so that they can accurately evaluate horse rider combinations, score the tests and provide comments.

Find A TTT Graduate

The Western Dressage Association® of America has a list of professionals that have graduated from the past few years of Train The Trainer Clinics. If you are looking for an instructor or trainer in your area...

WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.

Follow Us on Facebook

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all of the latest Western Dressage updates from all over the US and Canada.

Find new WD groups, follow your favorite riders, find shows and clinics and connect up with Western Dressage friends in your neck of the woods.

Please Join our rapidly-growing online community...


Why Be A WDAA Member?

Ever wondered what it means to be a WDAA member? Sure, you get access to the Social Corral, events, dressage tests, and tons of information on our website; you can participate in high points programs and receive our awesome newsletter each month, but what else?

Why Be a WDAA Member?
It is Show Time!  The winter hair is history and we have footing to ride.  For those of us who live where we have four seasons, this is a great season.  We wade through snow drifts and then mud to care for horses that are covered with heavy fur coats; clean stalls in snow storms; and search for our shining horses under mud and nasty winter hair.  When show season arrives, we are more than delighted!
This is our chance to measure our progress working towards our individual goals with our equine partners as we compete in Western Dresssge.  It is also time to see old friends and make new ones as we are competing.  This is our time to recall old memories and to make new ones. 
I have owned, shown and bred Morgan horses for 45 years.  Yes, I am officially very old but that is my good news.  As I look back on these wonderful years competing with my horses, I am overwhelmed by wonderful memories of great horses, mine and others, and very special friends.   I have learned a few lessons, many of them the hard way.  There might be something about us horse folks that makes us a little hard headed sometimes!
For most of my competition years, I competed in Western Pleasure and sometimes in hunter pleasure and dressage.  I quickly learned that I was a cowgirl at heart and focused on Western Pleasure until Western Dressage came my way and I found the perfect place for me and for my Morgan horses.  I look back on each of my Morgan show horses and realize that every one of them would have loved Western Dressage; their competition careers would have been longer and happier for them and for me if we had Western Dressage.
One of the lessons that these years have taught me is that ribbons and trophies are not everything.  I have accumulated boxes of them over these many years.  I recall my first ribbon as in many ways my most important; after competing for three years, I won a third place ribbon.  I have absolutely no innate talent as a rider; I am dyslexic and do now know my right from my left and have a terrible time looking at a pattern or test and translating it into a riding reality.  I am also stubborn and determined and do not know how to quit. 
I am looking at several World Champion plaques on the wall in my office as I write this letter.  Each brings to mind wonderful horses who did their very best for me.  My life in our equine industry is richer because of these horses and because of the wonderful horsemen that I have known.  As you enjoy every minute of this show season, capture wonderful memories of great rides on great horse partners; savor every moment with old horse friends; and make new friends in our Western Dressage world.
We are so fortunate to have this new discipline of Western Dressage to build extraordinary partnerships with our horses.  We have feedback from each or our rides for every movement as well as individual comments.  We know what we did well and what we need to do better.  We are so lucky!  Time to celebrate Show Time!

Thanks to each of you and go hug a horse!
Ellen DiBella

Meet USEF Liaison Joyce Hamblin!

WDAA is the Recognized Affiliate for Western Dressage; this special status requires WDAA to operate at the highest level of accountability to its members and to our discipline of Western Dressage.  We work hard each day to fulfill this responsibility.  As a Recognized National Affiliate for USEF, we have access to some very special support and resources.  One of these resources is a wonderful individual, Joyce Hamblin, who is our staff liaison with USEF.

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May 2016 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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Western Dressage Education!

Find all the WDAA Tests, Guides and lots of great reading materials in our Western Dressage Education Center!


Clinics & Shows

Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!

WDAA Social Corral

If you wish to be more informed about the Western Dressage movement, we do have a private Social Corral network where members of the Western Dressage Association® of America can interact, discuss various topics, conceive new ideas and generally share all things Western Dressage, including people who are instructors, clinicians and even judges like yourself.

Judges Education Program

The WDAA Western Dressage Judge’s Education Program is open to all licensed Dressage judges, Western, Breed judges and those starting out who want to learn about Western Dressage. This Judges Education Program offers training so that they can accurately evaluate horse rider combinations, score the tests and provide comments.

Find A TTT Graduate

The Western Dressage Association® of America has a list of professionals that have graduated from the past few years of Train The Trainer Clinics. If you are looking for an instructor or trainer in your area...

WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.

Follow Us on Facebook

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all of the latest Western Dressage updates from all over the US and Canada.

Find new WD groups, follow your favorite riders, find shows and clinics and connect up with Western Dressage friends in your neck of the woods.

Please Join our rapidly-growing online community...


Why Be A WDAA Member?

Ever wondered what it means to be a WDAA member? Sure, you get access to the Social Corral, events, dressage tests, and tons of information on our website; you can participate in high points programs and receive our awesome newsletter each month, but what else?

Why Be a WDAA Member?
It is the end of April and snow is still falling! 

Where is Spring? 

Soon the snow will turn to mud and the job of taking winter hair off horses will be complicated by the mud.  I hope those mud baths are fun for the horses.  I am sure that there must be shiny horses under there somewhere!
It has been another busy month for the board and staff of WDAA.  Our staff has been “test driving” the software for our Lifetime Points and Awards program.  After looking for existing software platforms, it became apparent that WDAA would have to have custom software created.  The “test driving” went well and our staff is working with the software developer to put the finishing touches on the platform.  I am helping by not touching anything!
WDAA has two new state affiliates; one in Alabama and another in Texas.  We have had a large number of calls from members in other states as well.  Our staff works to support these efforts.  Those of you who have been involved in creating a state affiliate know firsthand how much work it takes.  Standing applause for Alabama and Texas and a helping hand to other groups working to form affiliates.

As the Recognized National Affiliate of USEF for the discipline of Western Dressage, WDAA works closely with both USEF and the USEF Western Dressage Committee.  The membership of this committee has recently been expanded to reflect all of the stakeholders in WDAA.  The committee met by phone last week to work on a variety of issues ranging from education and licensing of Western Dressage judges to promotion for judges, to rule change proposals.  Please go to the USEF website at usef.org and/or the WDAA website for more information on the rule change process.  This is your discipline and we need your input.
The WDAA has its internal Rules Committee ably headed by Cindy Butler; this group is reviewing the Western Dressage chapter in the USEF Rule Book to identify any problems that will need to be addressed.  Both of these committees deserve our thanks for their generosity.  Each of these committee members is a volunteer who devotes many hours working on behalf of all of us. 
The WDAA Marketing Committee is working on sponsorships for both our association and our World Championship show.  This group has put together a packet of informational materials to provide to potential sponsors and has developed a comprehensive contact list based on the wonderful response from all of you to the recent survey.
WDAA continues to focus on our educational mission; at the request of USEF, WDAA recently produced an educational video for USEF Stewards on checking Western Dressage horses. The WDAA Executive Board is working with our show management regarding the Apprentice Judging Program for our 2016 World Championship Show.
Just writing this makes me both tired and exhilarated!  This Western Dressage Journey is such great fun! 

Thanks to each of you and go hug a horse!
Ellen DiBella

WDAA needs you!

Whether you plan to attend the 2016 WDAA World Championship show as an exhibitor or a spectator or will be joining by live video feed, you can be part of this amazing celebration of Western Dressage.
Not only will WDAA hold its Annual Meeting and Honors Luncheon at the 2016 World Championship Show, we will also offer educational opportunities for Western Dressage Judges with our Apprentice Judging Program.  
There is a wide variety of sponsorship opportunities and levels to chose from.  Many levels of sponsorship offer box seats, tickets to parties and more.  Your Sponsorship at any level is Tax Deductible!

To place a sponsorship for the show please go to Sponsorship Opportunities

Future WDAA World Show Dates:

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March/April 2016 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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Western Dressage Education!

Find all the WDAA Tests, Guides and lots of great reading materials in our Western Dressage Education Center!


Clinics & Shows

Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!

WDAA Social Corral

If you wish to be more informed about the Western Dressage movement, we do have a private Social Corral network where members of the Western Dressage Association® of America can interact, discuss various topics, conceive new ideas and generally share all things Western Dressage, including people who are instructors, clinicians and even judges like yourself.

Judges Education Program

The WDAA Western Dressage Judge’s Education Program is open to all licensed Dressage judges, Western, Breed judges and those starting out who want to learn about Western Dressage. This Judges Education Program offers training so that they can accurately evaluate horse rider combinations, score the tests and provide comments.

Find A TTT Graduate

The Western Dressage Association® of America has a list of professionals that have graduated from the past few years of Train The Trainer Clinics. If you are looking for an instructor or trainer in your area...

WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.

Follow Us on Facebook

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all of the latest Western Dressage updates from all over the US and Canada.

Find new WD groups, follow your favorite riders, find shows and clinics and connect up with Western Dressage friends in your neck of the woods.

Please Join our rapidly-growing online community...


Why Be A WDAA Member?

Ever wondered what it means to be a WDAA member? Sure, you get access to the Social Corral, events, dressage tests, and tons of information on our website; you can participate in high points programs and receive our awesome newsletter each month, but what else?

Why Be a WDAA Member?
Hello from Colorado where we go overnight from a sunny 70 degrees to a blizzard that closes Denver International Airport and most roads. March came in like a lamb and quickly turned into a lion! The horses are getting serious about shedding their heavy winter coats, if anyone needs horsehair to knit a new horse, we can supply it!

It has been another busy month for WDAA. Lots of membership renewals have come in; thank you for your belief in this wonderful new discipline. We have several new affiliates which will be officially announced soon, this is so exciting for all of us. It is the state affiliates that deliver the mission and message of Western Dressage first hand. The wonderful individuals that put time, commitment and often money into the creation of an
affiliate deserve and standing ovation from all of us!
The extremely active CA State Affiliate held a very successful Train the Trainer clinic earlier this month with over 40 attendees! This affiliate has successfully dealt with a long list of challenges; dealing positively with huge geographical distances, creating an Awards Program and starting a Youth Program. More applause for this great group! Visit their website for more information... http://cawda.org

The WDAA Marketing Committee is working hard to find sponsors for our World Championship Show and for WDAA. Below please find the announcement with some wonderful news on this front! Special thanks to Stacia Wert-Gray for spearheading the effort for this exciting sponsorship. Check out the 2016 World Championship website, http://horseshowconsulting.com frequently for updates.

Every day brings new challenges and opportunities. If you have a question, comment or any issues, please feel free to reach out to me and our great staff at [email protected]. You make our Journey special.

Thanks to each of you and go hug a horse!
Ellen DiBella

2016 World Show Major Sponsor

WDAA is pleased to announce that the Edmond Convention and Visitors Bureau has committed to sponsoring the 2016 World Show at the Silver Spur level.  The bureau contributed $5,000 to help offset show costs for all competitors.  Edmond is located roughly 7 miles from the Lazy E Arena.  It is a college town of approximately 80,000 residents.  Edmond has many hotels (including the show host hotels, restaurants, parks, golf courses and shops to keep you entertained.  The city has become famous for an extensive collection of public art including murals, sculptures, stained glass, and statues.  Historic Route 66 runs straight through the heart of the city.   To learn more about Edmond attractions, please click on the logo.

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February/March 2016 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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Western Dressage Education!

Find all the WDAA Tests, Guides and lots of great reading materials in our Western Dressage Education Center!


Clinics & Shows

Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!

WDAA Social Corral

If you wish to be more informed about the Western Dressage movement, we do have a private Social Corral network where members of the Western Dressage Association® of America can interact, discuss various topics, conceive new ideas and generally share all things Western Dressage, including people who are instructors, clinicians and even judges like yourself.

Judges Education Program

The WDAA Western Dressage Judge’s Education Program is open to all licensed Dressage judges, Western, Breed judges and those starting out who want to learn about Western Dressage. This Judges Education Program offers training so that they can accurately evaluate horse rider combinations, score the tests and provide comments.

Find A TTT Graduate

The Western Dressage Association® of America has a list of professionals that have graduated from the past few years of Train The Trainer Clinics. If you are looking for an instructor or trainer in your area...

WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.

Follow Us on Facebook

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all of the latest Western Dressage updates from all over the US and Canada.

Find new WD groups, follow your favorite riders, find shows and clinics and connect up with Western Dressage friends in your neck of the woods.

Please Join our rapidly-growing online community...


Why Be A WDAA Member?

Ever wondered what it means to be a WDAA member? Sure, you get access to the Social Corral, events, dressage tests, and tons of information on our website; you can participate in high points programs and receive our awesome newsletter each month, but what else?

Why Be a WDAA Member?

Coming Up Next Month!

Results from our recent Member Questionnaire!

We had such an overwhelming response and we truly value and appreciate everyone who expressed their thoughts, ideas and comments!

I hope that each of you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!  I told my horses that I loved them and they asked me, “Where’s dinner?”  I am back on a diet; when I add candy to more food than I need and less time in the saddle because of the weather and travel, the results are not pretty.
Show season is coming up and WDAA is getting lots of requests for Show Recognition.  As each show is approved, it goes up on our Events Calendar, highlighted and with an active link to the prize list if it is sent to us.  WDAA sets standards for Show Recognition that are intended to provide a level playing field for the participants in our Points and Awards program.  Please check our website http://www.wdaaworldshow.org/show-recognition-information/ for details on the standards for Show Recognition.  If you have a question or a problem, we have some wonderful staff and I am always available as well.
We are working hard with our show management team, horseshowconsulting.com, to finalize plans for our World Championship Show.  We are so proud of our judges, our officials and delighted with the new facility at the Lazy E in Guthrie, OK.  In addition to offering the opportunity for world class competition, we hope to make the 2016 WDAA World Championship the most fun competition that you have ever been a part of.  We will come to show our horses, to spend time with old friends, to make new friends and to celebrate being part of Western Dressage!
Our show is a USEF show in 2016 for the first time.  I have asked the wonderful staff at USEF to work with me to help introduce you all to USEF.  Everyone there is so excited about Western Dressage and the new CEO, Bill Moroney, is committed to help with introductions.  Some of you come from breeds who are affiliated with USEF so this is old news but many of us are new to the USEF world.  We share a dedication to the welfare of the horse and commitment to a fair and level playing field for all competitors.  What a wonderful partner on our Journey!

Go hug your horse and make our day better!

More World Show Details

Here are just a few of the offerings at the 2016 Western Dressage World Championship Show

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January 2016 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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WDAA Rules & Tests!

Our Rules incorporate elements of both Western and Dressage disciplines. Their revision was a collaborative effort on the part of member feedback, evaluation of respected horse people and equine organizations, and edited by a team of our Advisory Board members.

Clinics & Shows

Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!

WDAA Social Corral

If you wish to be more informed about the Western Dressage movement, we do have a private Social Corral network where members of the Western Dressage Association® of America can interact, discuss various topics, conceive new ideas and generally share all things Western Dressage, including people who are instructors, clinicians and even judges like yourself.

Judges Education Program

The WDAA Western Dressage Judge’s Education Program is open to all licensed Dressage judges, Western, Breed judges and those starting out who want to learn about Western Dressage. This Judges Education Program offers training so that they can accurately evaluate horse rider combinations, score the tests and provide comments.

WDAA Professional Directory

The Western Dressage Association® of America has implemented a new Professional Directory for WDAA members. For a very small fee you can "Get Listed... Get Found... Find an Instructor or Clinician!"

Try it FREE for 30 days!!!

WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.
Christmas is back in the boxes and down the basement for another year.  I hope your New Year is off to a great start.  Snow is somewhat fun in December with a white Christmas but by January, it is starting to get a little old for me.  Some of you have had truly dreadful weather.  I send hopes that you and your horses are warm and well.

January means travel for me.  I attended the USEF Annual Meeting in Lexington, KY in mid-January.  I arrived to hear that the CEO of USEF was gone and that Bill Moroney would serve as the Interim CEO.  I have had the pleasure of knowing Bill and serving with him on USEF committees and the USEF Board for several years.  He is an outstanding individual whose commitment to horses, their welfare and horse sport is unparalleled.  He has long been a supporter of Western Dressage.

I attended a number of meetings in Lexington; I serve on several USEF committees as well as representing WDAA and I tried to attend other meetings that might be of interest to WDAA.  I was overwhelmed and delighted with the enthusiasm for Western Dressage.  I spoke with competition organizers, breed representatives, USEF staff, and all were excited by the growth this wonderful discipline.  I was proud to announce that our World Championship show would be a USEF competition in 2016.  At the same time, I told all the Breed and Discipline representatives and the staff of USEF that we would need help providing education for our members about USEF.  I have their promise and will hold them to it.

I will try to write a least one article for each newsletter about USEF and its culture.  USEF is dedicated to the welfare of our horses, which echoes our commitment to “Honor the Horse.”  The rules that fill the USEF Rule Book make this determination to protect our horses very clear.  USEF has a Drug and Medication Department that focuses on both education and enforcement of rules, protecting horses from the dangers of inappropriate and forbidden medications.  The Veterinary Committee is constantly looking for mechanisms to limit dangers to horses and their health while at competitions.  Both of these groups have committed to be active participants in our educational efforts.

USEF is also committed to providing a fair and level playing field for all equine sport on every level from those just entering up through international competition.  There is a knowledgeable and professional staff at USEF who are happy to answer our questions.  The USEF website at USEF.org is a wealth of information.  You will find information about current rules, pending and proposed rules, information about Licensed Officials, information for shows about health alerts and much more. 

I will start packing for our 2016 Judges’ Seminar in the next day or so.  Dini Swanson has been working with Joyce Swanson, Debbie Riehl-Rodruguez, and Cliff Swanson to revise and improve this program.  WDAA offers this two-day program to educate applicants for Western Dressage judging credentials.  This is a first step on a challenging process that is designed to ensure that our Western Dressage competitors have well-prepared judges to adjudicate in our discipline.  This year, Samantha Kline of the USEF Licensed Officials staff will also attend our Seminar.  I am proud of the uncounted time and effort that our clinicians have put into to developing and constantly improving the Judges’ Seminar. 

Go hug a horse and make our day better!

World Show Update

We are thrilled to announce that starting in 2016, the World Championship Show will be organized and hosted under the WDAA brand. This change includes a new venue, management team, date, and show format. The Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, OK will be our new host facility for 2016. With stabling for 500 horses, a park-like setting with a large pond, RV park, and indoor facilities large enough for five show arenas with warm-up, the facility offers plenty of room to grow. The Lazy E Arena is located a few miles from Edmond, OK and Oklahoma City is close by.

The show will be managed by Horse Show Consulting with Nora Wert serving as Show Manager and Stacia Wert-Gray serving as Show Secretary. Their website,
www.horseshowconsulting.com, will offer complete information regarding sponsorship, prize list, entry blanks, online entry, exhibitor lists, stabling charts, spectator information, and additional features. The new show format will include many exciting changes designed to enhance the competitor, spectator, and sponsor experience; four days of classes, a $1,000 freestyle stake, expanded awards, exhibitor’s party, silent auction, welcome party, and much more.

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December 2015 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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WDAA Rules & Tests!

Our Rules incorporate elements of both Western and Dressage disciplines. Their revision was a collaborative effort on the part of member feedback, evaluation of respected horse people and equine organizations, and edited by a team of our Advisory Board members.

Clinics & Shows

Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!

WDAA Social Corral

If you wish to be more informed about the Western Dressage movement, we do have a private Social Corral network where members of the Western Dressage Association® of America can interact, discuss various topics, conceive new ideas and generally share all things Western Dressage, including people who are instructors, clinicians and even judges like yourself.

Judges Education Program

The WDAA Western Dressage Judge’s Education Program is open to all licensed Dressage judges, Western, Breed judges and those starting out who want to learn about Western Dressage. This Judges Education Program offers training so that they can accurately evaluate horse rider combinations, score the tests and provide comments.

WDAA Professional Directory

The Western Dressage Association® of America has implemented a new Professional Directory for WDAA members. For a very small fee you can "Get Listed... Get Found... Find an Instructor or Clinician!"

Try it FREE for 30 days!!!

WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.
First the leaves turned red and orange, then the leaves were gone from the trees and now the snow is piling up.  I think that it is winter.  Time to send the husband out to put Christmas lights on trees!

This is the time of year when I count my blessings.   I include our wonderful board and our staff on my list.  The board members are all volunteers who receive absolutely no financial support from WDAA; they give their time and talent while living real lives and working at real jobs.   They have to suffer my endless emails asking for input, advice, decisions on issues.  I suspect that they would all love to put me on their "spam" list.

I hope that you will visit our website to meet our staff; they are also challenged dealing with me.  I am a little too old to really understand the Internet and they have to rescue me daily.  They work Social Medial; deal with membership, Points and Awards; answer your questions or find someone who can provide the answers that you need; maintain backup of all of our information and records; update the website and more.  Thanks to each of them for their patience with me and with each of us who needs answers and information.

I number our wonderful volunteers among my blessings.  You email and offer your time and talents to this discipline.  You are learning that I call on you and take advantage of your generosity.  Thank you for caring about our wonderful horses and this discipline.

I count my horses as blessings.  I have eight Morgan horses in the barn; many were born in my lap over the years.  Others have come to me later in life but each is a cherished friend.  Every one of them would have loved Western Dressage; I continue to serve this discipline because Western Dressage would have been a huge benefit for them.  I owe these wonderful horses and all horses as well.   Each of them has a Christmas stocking on the front of their stall; they have special treats for those stockings.  The favorite seems to be homemade nut brittle!  My equine vet has been seen stealing nut brittle from the horses.  If he were not my next door neighbor, I might be upset.

I count my family as my most special blessing.  I have a husband who has never asked what I have spent on my horses over 43 years; he continues to tolerate travel for equine business and endless conference calls.   My children have endured a mother who was always in the barn, traveling to horse shows, and going to meetings. My grandchildren have stacked hay, cleaned stalls, ridden horses and driven tractors; the grandsons were more into the tractors and the granddaughter more into riding the horses!

I hope that each of you will count Western Dressage among your blessings. With the New Year I will recommit to serve this discipline, this association and each of you. I wish you a very Happy Christmas and a Joyful New Year.
Ellen DiBella

Membership Renewal Reminder

Don’t forget your 2016 membership renewals! We’ve sent out a renewal notice to all active members for the 2016 year who have already been converted to the NEW Calendar Year format.

We will continue to invoice existing 2015 members that were not converted to the new format during the first half of the year. If you renewed your membership or joined before July 1st, 2015 please be on the watch for your prorated membership invoice in your email.

All new members, will join at the regular rate and automatically be on the new calendar format.
Please note that memberships may be prorated (if applicable) up until June 30th 2016. After July 1, 2016, all renewing members must pay the full year ($25).

If you’d like to get a head start and renew early, just click here: http://www.westerndressageassociation.org/renewing-your-wdaa-membership/
Thank you for supporting the Western Dressage Association of America by renewing your annual membership.

Give the Gift of Membership

Why not give the gift of WDAA membership in the new year? Member Membership Benefits include: access to WDAA Western Dressage Tests, Educational Tools and Resources; our Cornerstone Education Programs; Points and Awards program; Social Corral; a flourishing State Affiliate Community and Breed Alliance Partnerships; and access to our events and training clinic listings.

Basic membership is only $25. Or, show your commitment to the WDAA with a Gold, Silver or Founding Pioneer Lifetime membership.

Meet The Staff

Deirdre is our Online Operations Manager, otherwise known as our IT specialist and website guru.

Kaili is our Social Media Marketing Manager and hails from Ventura, CA.




Horse & Rider of the month

December’s Horse & Rider of the month is the delightful duo, Peggy Riley and Jetalito Sunny Step. They saw great success at the World Championships this year and have participated in Western Dressage since 2011. They hail from Alabama, but are originally from much further away!

Read their story here: http://www.westerndressageassociation.org/featured/december-horse-rider-of-the-month-peggy-riley-jetalito-sunny-step/

Judge’s Seminar

The Western Dressage Association of America is hosting a Judge’s Seminar as part of the International Equine Judging Seminar (IEJS) at the Hyatt Regency in Tulsa, OK on February 1st and 2nd, 2016.

This seminar is an integral part of the Judge’s Education program offered by the WDAA and is considered the first step in the process to attain USEF Western Dressage judge’s licensing. The clinic is taught by Joyce Swanson, Debbie Riehl-Rodriguez and Cliff Swanson. Samantha Klein ,USEF Director of Licensed Officials will also be in attendance.

Early bird registration fee of $350.00 is valid up until Dec 25th. Registration increases to $375.00 until Jan 25th, and $400.00 after that. Auditors are welcome.

If you’d like to learn more or register for this program, click here: http://www.westerndressageassociation.org/western-dressage-judges-education-program/

Consider Donating to WDAA this Holiday Season

The Western Dressage Association of America is a 501c3 non-profit association, and as such, relies on membership and donations to keep running. Why not consider a gift that will make a big impact to your favorite organization? Consider donating to the WDAA this holiday season. All donations are 100% tax-deductible. No amount is too large or small.

Please consider helping us to fulfill our mission: http://www.westerndressageassociation.org/donate/

TTT Clinic in March

The California Western Dressage Association is hosting the first Train the Trainers clinic of the year on March 9-10th at the Murieta Equestrian Center in Rancho Murieta, CA. The Train the Trainers™ program is designed educate professional trainers, judges and Western Dressage enthusiasts who want to learn the standards of Western Dressage and how to train, hold clinics, show and judge this exciting new discipline.  A Certificate of Completion will be provided to all clinic graduates.  The WDAA lists all TTT graduate trainers on the WDAA website. Amateurs may also attend, being awarded an Amateur Certificate of Completion. Please note that you must be a current WDAA member to attend.

The second WDAA Train the Trainers™ clinic of 2016 will be in Michigan - stay tuned for more details!

Follow Us on Facebook

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all of the latest Western Dressage updates from all over the US and Canada.

Find new WD groups, follow your favorite riders, find shows and clinics and connect up with Western Dressage friends in your neck of the woods.

Please Join our rapidly-growing online community...

Congratulations to our December photo caption contest winner; Shirley Branston from ON, Canada. Shirley will be the proud recipient of some WDAA-logo swag, and all the bragging rights to go along with it!
The Ohio University Southern Equestrian Team had the opportunity to take a journey to Tulsa, Oklahoma to compete at the WDAA World Championship Show.

We were able to go on this amazing journey because we were awarded a $1500 grant through the United States Equestrian Federation and the WDAA Grant Program for Youth and Collegiate Equestrians.

Breed Alliances


Corporate Sponsor

International Alliance Partners

About The Western Dressage Association® of America is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization focused on providing a model of horsemanship which optimizes the partnership of horse and rider for their mutual benefit.  The mission of the Western Dressage Association® is to honor the horse, to value the partnership between horse and rider and to celebrate the legacy of the American West which it focuses on through its offerings of educational opportunities and events to the equestrian community.

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November 2015 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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WDAA 2015 Rules & Tests!

Our Rules incorporate elements of both Western and Dressage disciplines. Their revision was a collaborative effort on the part of member feedback, evaluation of respected horse people and equine organizations, and edited by a team of our Advisory Board members.

Clinics & Shows

Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!

WDAA Social Corral

If you wish to be more informed about the Western Dressage movement, we do have a private Social Corral network where members of the Western Dressage Association® of America can interact, discuss various topics, conceive new ideas and generally share all things Western Dressage, including people who are instructors, clinicians and even judges like yourself.

Judges Education Program

The WDAA Western Dressage Judge’s Education Program is open to all licensed Dressage judges, Western, Breed judges and those starting out who want to learn about Western Dressage. This Judges Education Program offers training so that they can accurately evaluate horse rider combinations, score the tests and provide comments.

WDAA Professional Directory

The Western Dressage Association® of America has implemented a new Professional Directory for WDAA members. For a very small fee you can "Get Listed... Get Found... Find an Instructor or Clinician!"

Try it FREE for 30 days!!!

WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.
Last month the leaves on the trees were red and gold; now, they are hidden under the snow drifts. Our horses tie us to the seasons. They grow winter coats to prepare for the weather they know is coming. The days grow shorter and our time to ride each day also grows shorter. This is our time to plan and to prepare for next year.

WDAA has just finished our 3rd World Championship show and our 6th Annual Meeting. For the Executive Board this is time for us to prepare our report card; to assess what we did well, what we must do better, and what we must change. This year, we had some wonderful members who made time to work with the Executive Board to take on all of these tasks. The enthusiasm for Western Dressage and the positive energy of these generous members has energized the Executive Board.
With the wonderful energy and input at our Annual Meeting, we worked through rule change proposals coming from both individuals and the USEF Western Dressage Committee. Attendees listened to presentations on finances and governance for WDAA. The Honors Luncheon was a highlight; giving us an opportunity to recognize a very special Western Dressage Champion, JB's Raising the Bar, and our Top Hand, Joyce Swanson. Joyce has consistently stepped up as a volunteer for the Education Committee, our Group Apprentice Judging, and development of our Western Dressage tests. Dr. DeRoy White of the Sapulpa Equine Clinic joined us for lunch, sharing his expertise in a presentation about equine dentistry.

Friday morning found us all at the Fairgrounds for live education. Several talented horse and rider combinations rode tests with live judging, giving each of us live feedback from a judge evaluating a ride. Cliff and Joyce Swanson worked to show legal and illegal equipment, bits and more. We learned how to correctly tie a mecate with a bosal and how use a double rein using a bosal. Our heads were spinning, but we were all smiling. There is nothing like being around a horse at an equine meeting. They remind us why we do this!
As president, I have a very long "To Do - Immediately" list. I keep trying to cross things off, but new To Dos appear even more quickly. The good news is that we have a huge amount of energy and enthusiasm following a great meeting and World Championship Show; the bad news is that it’s imperative we capture and direct all of that wonderful energy before we lose that momentum. The Executive Board will be on task to accomplish this goal. We are delighted to welcome a new board member, Janet Lee Parker, to our Executive Board.
I would like to thank the board members and volunteers who stepped up to work on the meeting and the show. Holly Clanahan was on deck for both our meeting and our show; she is a small person who has a great heart and an even larger commitment to Western Dressage. Darrell Bilke and his management team from Pinto were pretty much tied to the Fairgrounds keeping the show running. Guy Brown was able to join us as well and Karen Homer Brown worked so very hard on rules presentation and facilitating the Group Apprentice Judging. Dini Swanson and Cath Lindsey worked during the meeting and show; Dini as our volunteer Events Coordinator and Cath Lindsey as part of our Video Education Committee filming interviews, presentations, and more.
I believe that 2016 will be an extraordinary year for WDAA and for Western Dressage. We are working on new tests for 2017.  We have an amazing Marketing Committee on task; creating a significant base of commercial sponsors for WDAA and a focused World Championship sponsorship program. The Train the Trainers team is ready to go for 2016 with two clinics already scheduled. Our Video Education Committee has created a library of materials for use. WDAA is reconstituting old committees and populating new committees with support materials.
The horses may be resting up for next year but the board, staff, and volunteers of WDAA are hard at work. Have a wonderful Holiday Season and go hug a horse!

Ellen DiBella

2015 WDAA World Championships Report:

The WDAA hosted their third annual World Championships on November 6-8th at the Ford Built Tough Arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma. With unprecedented class sizes, impressive test scores, and horsemen and women attending from all over the United States and Canada, the show was an overwhelming success!!
Bradie Chapman: “It was a wonderful experience for all of us that were there representing Ohio University Southern. I love being a part of the growth this discipline has made so far.”

Friday morning began with a number of our members participating in two educational opportunities. The Judge’s View clinic allowed participants an insight to Suitability and Hack rail classes and what our judges look for. Four volunteers rode a class and judge Joyce Swanson provided real-time feedback and scoring. Cliff and Joyce Swanson also presented “From the Horse's’ Mouth” - a hands-on presentation about bits, legal equipment, and hand position.
On Friday afternoon amidst the buzz of excitement and nerves, our riders tested their ability in Equitation, Hack, and Suitability rail classes. Saturday morning saw the commencement of dressage tests judged across four arenas. In the Ford arena on both Saturday and Sunday afternoons, we hosted our freestyle dressage tests. This year the WDAA allowed costumes in the freestyle and we saw everything from traditional medieval costumes to Maleficent and Lady Gaga! This was a highlight for many of our riders and audience.
Mary Lynne Zylstra: “I had an awesome time with my Michigan entourage! Thank you for putting on a great show.”
In conjunction with the USEF, the Western Dressage Association of America offered a Group Apprentice Judging program during the 2015 WDAA World Championship show. Headed by judge Janet (Dolly) Hannon and assisted by Joyce Swanson and Karen Homer Brown, participants had the opportunity to learn and practice their judging skills with classroom instruction, sideline judging, and scribing.
A special congratulations goes to the recipients of our USEF Grant, the Ohio South University Equestrian Team. This determined equestrian team worked all year to secure the necessary funds to attend this year’s World Championships, and the USEF grant allowed them to defer the cost of shipping their horses to Tulsa to compete.
The WDAA would also like to thank our three Para-equestrian riders for an exceptional Western Dressage demonstration on Friday evening. Their dedication and participation will help us grow Western Dressage involvement in the Para-equestrian world.
A special thank you must be extended to our four judges, Debbie Riehl-Rodriguez, Sue Malone-Casey, Robin Brueckmann, and Barbara Ebner. The WDAA would also like to thank the Pinto Horse Association for hosting us, as well as Stacia and her team from Horse Show Consulting for their hard work and dedication in managing our show and getting those test scores out quickly and accurately!
Cynthia Terry Collins: “Thanks for wonderful show. The organization is still learning and growing. Very exciting to be involved.”
The WDAA World Championships of 2015 was a resounding success and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. The culmination of the hard work and dedication of not only our devoted staff, board members, and volunteers, but also each and every competitor, their horses, and their family and friends. We send out a heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of you; thank you for your participation and your continuing support. We’ll see you next year!

Membership changes:

In July of 2015 the WDAA Board unanimously voted to convert to a calendar year membership. This is a more efficient method of maintaining and processing memberships, and makes it easy for you, our members, to know when to renew. 2015 memberships were prorated starting in July to coincide with the new January 1st start date. We are excited to launch this in a few short days - look out for your 2016 membership renewal emails!
We will continue to invoice existing 2015 members that were not converted to the new format during the first half of the year. If you renewed your membership or joined before July 1st, 2015 please be on the watch for your prorated membership invoice in your email.
All new members, simply will join at the regular rate and automatically be on the new calendar format.
If you’d like to get a head start and renew early, just click here: http://www.westerndressageassociation.org/renewing-your-wdaa-membership/
Thank you for supporting the Western Dressage Association of America by renewing your annual membership.


New Board Member:

We are thrilled to welcome a new board member this month, Janet Lee Parker. Hailing from Nampa Idaho, Janet brings a lifetime of experience in varied equestrian disciplines. With her 14.3h foundation-bred quarter horse, she’s explored the application of dressage to many traditional western disciplines, earning championship after championship. With a background in business, as a paralegal, and in finance, Janet brings an amazing background and skill set to the WDAA. We are delighted to welcome Janet to our board!
Read more about Janet and our current board members here: http://www.westerndressageassociation.org/board-of-directors/executive-board/janet-lee-parker-secretary/

Awards Luncheon:

During our Awards Luncheon at the WDAA Annual Meeting, we presented our two annual awards. The Top Hand Award recognizes an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the WDAA. The Hall of Champions Award is given to a deceased horse who has won Reserve or Champion titles in Western Dressage at either a breed Championship show or the WDAA World Championship show.

This year's Top Hand was Joyce Swanson

Following is the speech given by Board President, Ellen DiBella at our Awards Luncheon.
Each year the Western Dressage Association recognizes an outstanding volunteer who has made an exceptional contribution to the association and to the discipline of Western Dressage. I am proud to present this award to Joyce Swanson.
Where do I begin the very long list of Joyce’s contributions to WDAA? I guess at the beginning. Joyce has trained and shown horses of many breeds as winning pleasure, dressage and driving horses. She is an outstanding instructor who brings a special ability to communicate with her students; she approaches each horse as an individual with strengths to build on and weaknesses to be overcome with tack and patience. She has always brought her dressage background to training her horses in all disciplines and in teaching riders.
For more than five years, Joyce has been the one who has taken on huge projects from writing the Western Dressage tests to watching literally hundreds of hours of videos looking for material to use in a variety of educational videos to teaching at the Judges’ Seminar to volunteering to teach at the Group Apprentice judging program this year. Joyce is an ‘R’ licensed judge in Western Dressage; she holds a large number of USEF judging cards in breeds as well as a Reining card. Joyce’s video illustrating the special athleticism of the western working horse demonstrated in reining, cutting, team penning, ranch work, and more is an essential part of training Western Dressage judges.
Joyce is critical of herself and not of others; Joyce sets very high goals for herself but sets reasonable goals for her horses and her students; Joyce celebrates her horses her, her students, her family and       friends, Joyce celebrates Western Dressage. A number of years ago, Joyce danced her wonderful Morgan stallion, Cedar Creek Quartermaster, in a memorable pas de deux with Holiday Compadre for the closing ceremonies of the International Path Meeting. I was fortunate to be able to watch this first Western Dressage pas de deux. The audience waved their hands to cheer; this is a tradition in the para community. I am again fortunate to be here today to present the Top Hand Award to Joyce. We can cheer her out loud today. Won’t you join me in applauding Joyce and her generous contributions to Western Dressage!

JB's Raising the Bar was this year's recipient of the Hall of Champions award

After seeing a video of this colt as a yearling - free gaiting to perfection while being ponied off of another horse, Blankenship Stables & Brandreth Farms knew this would be the one that would be able to do it all. He was purchased by Brandreth Farms and renamed JB’s Raining The Bar - and raise the bar he certainly did. He was sent to Blankenship Stables to be started under saddle and trained for the 3-year-old Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association’s Versatility Futurity.
The beginning of Bar’s amazing career started when he won the MFTHBA Open Western Pleasure World Championship, one of the youngest horses to have claim this honor - then he went on to win Reserve World Champion Open English Pleasure.
Tori said, “He was the easiest horse I have ever worked with and an absolute pleasure to start under saddle. Kind, loving, intrigued & genuinely interested in his training work  Like the teacher’s pet - always wanting to do his best to please. The fact that he was a stallion never limited him - he was always a true gentleman”.
Bar returned to Brandreth Farms for trail riding & pasture time, after very successful 3 & 4 year old competitive years. His owner John became his primary rider then, and would visit Blankenship Stables from time to time for coaching or working on areas that needed finessing. Also targeting new skills that would be developed for Bar to continue his show career - with his best friend & owner in the saddle.
2014 was the first year that the Western Dressage Association of America had added gaited classes to their WDAA World Championship Show. Brandreth Farm entered 3 of their outstanding Fox Trotting horses to be exhibited by John, daughter Isabella, and their trainer Tori Blankenship.  A last-minute change of plans, then change of plans again - dialed in Tori to be Bar’s exhibitor.
Tori said, “That was like winning the horse show lottery! Riding Bar is like slipping on my favorite pair of jeans; he feels what you think and focuses into the movements so gracefully. Bar carried me to the 2 WDAA World Champion & 2 WDAA Reserve World Champion wins. It was almost like he was saying, I‘ve got this Sister - you just relax and enjoy the experience.”.
The future was so bright and held so much promise, to showcase the athletic abilities of this young, gaited stallion. It seemed there was no limit to what he could accomplish, with ease and natural ability. He would continue to raise the bar in so many more ways.
Four months after the WDAA 2014 World Championship Show, Brandreth Farms suffered a tragedy that resulted in the loss of 5 horses’ lives. 
Bar was one of them. He was 6 years old.  
Last year the Brandreths had bred their multiple award-winning mare to Bar twice, his first breeding attempt. Both times the veterinarian report showed that the breeding - did. not. take.
Miraculously, on June 30, 2015 Bar’s son was born. 
JB’s Phoenix Rising. A true miracle - rising from the ashes.
By the grace of God, JB’s Raising The Bar’s legacy will continue. It is an honor for the Western Dressage Association to add JB's Raising The Bar to our Hall of Champions.


Lifetime Performance Award Program:

We have recently launched our Lifetime Performance Award Program, allowing horses to accumulate points by participating in recognized shows around the country. Points follow the horse and are awarded for dressage tests of all levels and rail classes (suitability, hack, and equitation).

Get a head start on the 2016 competition year by registering your horse here: http://www.wdaaworldshow.org/wdaa-horse-performance-awards-program/

Facebook promo:

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all of the latest Western Dressage updates from all over the United States and Canada. Find new Western Dressage groups, follow your favorite riders, find shows and clinics, and connect up with Western Dressage friends in your neck of the woods.

Join our rapidly-growing online community by clicking here: https://www.facebook.com/WesternDressageAssociationAmerica/

Straight From the Horse's Mouth

t is important to examine horses’ teeth on a regular schedule and to correct disorders early in their development. Dental care, vaccinations, de-worming and a good nutrition program should all be part of a preventive medicine program for horses.

Lifetime Points & Awards Program

The very first enrollment into the new WDAA Lifetime Performance & Points program is Tango, a Paint Gelding owned by Jessica Shier of Ortonville, Michigan. Please read her story below about how she came to own Tango and their journey into Western Dressage!

Member Spotlight

WDAA member Bud Blankenship has recently been inducted into the MFTHBA Hall of Fame in recognition of his distinguished service to the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association and a lifetime of dedication, education and promotion of this wonderful breed.

Breed Alliances


Corporate Sponsor

International Alliance Partners

About The Western Dressage Association® of America is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization focused on providing a model of horsemanship which optimizes the partnership of horse and rider for their mutual benefit.  The mission of the Western Dressage Association® is to honor the horse, to value the partnership between horse and rider and to celebrate the legacy of the American West which it focuses on through its offerings of educational opportunities and events to the equestrian community.

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October 2015 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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WDAA 2015 Rules & Tests!

Our Rules incorporate elements of both Western and Dressage disciplines. Their revision was a collaborative effort on the part of member feedback, evaluation of respected horse people and equine organizations, and edited by a team of our Advisory Board members.

Clinics & Shows

Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!

WDAA Social Corral

If you wish to be more informed about the Western Dressage movement, we do have a private Social Corral network where members of the Western Dressage Association® of America can interact, discuss various topics, conceive new ideas and generally share all things Western Dressage, including people who are instructors, clinicians and even judges like yourself.

Judges Education Program

The WDAA Western Dressage Judge’s Education Program is open to all licensed Dressage judges, Western, Breed judges and those starting out who want to learn about Western Dressage. This Judges Education Program offers training so that they can accurately evaluate horse rider combinations, score the tests and provide comments.

WDAA Professional Directory

The Western Dressage Association® of America has implemented a new Professional Directory for WDAA members. For a very small fee you can "Get Listed... Get Found... Find an Instructor or Clinician!"

Try it FREE for 30 days!!!

WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.

Western Dressage & Autumn Colors!

Happy Fall to everyone! 

The leaves are still green on the trees but the horses are working hard on winter coats; the hay shed is full of home grown hay; the flies are getting lazy.  It must be Fall!

Perhaps because I have seen the start and growth of Western Dressage and WDAA from the beginning, I am focused on touching base with members to be sure that this educational association is always on the right track to meet the needs of our members and to fulfill our educational mission.  I hope to challenge everyone attending our Annual Meeting to work with our board to chart our Journey forward.  I hope that many of you will be at this meeting to help us.

WDAA launched a committee initiative in 2015; the Executive Board identified several areas where the board needed member input and assistance.  You can look to the website in the next few weeks for more information on committees and their membership.  WDAA is constantly eager to identify new volunteers.  I would like to challenge each of you to step up and help to guide our Journey.  I cannot promise that I will be able to fix every problem, but I can promise that I will respond to each and every email that you send to me.  You can reach me at [email protected].

Western Dressage needs your thoughts, your energy, and your enthusiasm.  This is not an easy Journey but it is so worthwhile.  We have wonderful horses to partner with; we have wonderful new friends to make!  I can’t wait.  Will you join me on our Journey?

See you in Tulsa,
Ellen DiBella

How Are We Doing?

The Western Dressage Association® of America highly values the perspective of the many riders and supporters sharing this journey.  As such, we are seeking your feedback on important factors of membership with the WDAA, the benefits for you and the significance of the organization in your life.  We hope that you will take a few minutes to share your experience with us.

Complete Survey Now...

World Show Events & Activities

Entries are flooding in for the 2015 WDAA World Championship Horse Show. Hurry and don't miss your chance to experience the excitement. This year USEF WD and WDAA offering a Group Apprentice Judging program at the 2015 WDAA World Championship show on November 6, 7 and 8 2015.  Janet (Dolly) Hannon will be the judge directing this program; she will be assisted by Joyce Swanson and Karen Homer Brown who are clinicians for the WDAA Judges Seminar.

Get Registered Now!

Watch Interviews from the 2014 WDAA World Show. When it comes to telling about the Journey that Western Dressage offers, no one tells the story better than our exhibitors.  We had an opportunity to visit with a wide variety of riders at the 2014 WDAA World Championship Show; here are there stories.

Watch Them Here...

We have a special treat this year, WDAA invited several Para-Equestrians to demonstrate Western Dressage tests. We are so excited to have the opportunity to see these para Western Dressage athletes show us what amazing riders they are.  Western Dressage seems to be a great fit for para equestrians.

Read More about Para-Equestrians...


Annual Convention

The Western Dressage Association® of America is in the final planning stages for our Annual Convention. You can see more about the schedule for the meeting and get all of the details at http://www.wdaaworldshow.org/annual-convention/.   Once again, we will spend time at the Expo Fairgrounds for live presentations.  Our host hotel, the Hyatt Regency, is offering a special rate; please make your reservations early to take advantage of that rate. 

Register Now to Attend!

Become a World Show Sponsor

We greatly appreciate any sponsors who will be making the 3rd Annual WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show possible. This event is a celebration of every ride, every horse and rider partnership and every generous sponsor who joins us in the journey.

Become a Sponsor Now...

We Still have a few left in stock...


Get'em while we still have them at discounted prices!

The WDAA has an overage in inventory of Dressage Illustrated Test Books... From Intro all the way through Level 2 and even a few Instructors Books that contain the Freestyle Tests. We will be offering them at a discount to all who wish to purchase

Go Shopping Now!


New Equestrian Grant Program

The Western Dressage Association of America is proud to announce a matching grant program to assist High School and Collegiate Equestrian teams who plan to travel to compete at the WDAA World Championship Horse Show in Tulsa, OK on November 6, 7, 8 2015.

Pinto Heritage Foundation

The Pinto Heritage Foundation, Inc. is proud to announce a new scholarship: the Doris Ann Hays Memorial Youth Scholarship. The Pinto Heritage Foundation takes great pride in preserving the Pinto past and supporting the future.


New Educational Resources

The WDAA announces new educational materials available to help riders learn the WDAA tests and progress in their western dressage journey. Each dollar spent via these educational vendor links helps aid the WDAA’s educational mission and programs.

Breed Alliances


Corporate Sponsor

International Alliance Partners

About The Western Dressage Association® of America is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization focused on providing a model of horsemanship which optimizes the partnership of horse and rider for their mutual benefit.  The mission of the Western Dressage Association® is to honor the horse, to value the partnership between horse and rider and to celebrate the legacy of the American West which it focuses on through its offerings of educational opportunities and events to the equestrian community.

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July 2015 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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WDAA 2015 Rules & Tests!

Our Rules incorporate elements of both Western and Dressage disciplines. Their revision was a collaborative effort on the part of member feedback, evaluation of respected horse people and equine organizations, and edited by a team of our Advisory Board members.

Clinics & Shows

Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!

WDAA Professional Directory

The Western Dressage Association® of America has implemented a new Professional Directory for WDAA members. For a very small fee you can "Get Listed... Get Found... Find an Instructor or Clinician!"

Try it FREE for 30 days!!!

TTT Education Program

Train the Trainers™ clinics were established by the Western Dressage Association of America in early 2012.  Intense national and international demand led Frances Carbonnel and Cliff Swanson, members of the WDAA Advisory Board to begin the development of a training curriculum which addressed the needs of equine professionals who were interested in training their horses and clients about Western Dressage.

WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.

Summer Fun

For many of us summer is the season of horse shows and holidays, having ‘fun in the sun’ and experiencing special moments.  WDAA knows that many of you are out enjoying this time with your horses and we hope that you will share your adventures with us on our Facebook page, in the Social Corral or by submitting a blog piece and photos for our website.  

While enjoying summer, the WDAA is also in preparation for our favorite events of the year – the WDAA Annual Convention and WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show!  We are updating our World Show website at wdaaworldshow.org each time new information is released.  We hope that you will partake in these amazing events as a participant, exhibitor, vendor, enthusiast or even sponsor!  Your support for the discipline helps us bring the beauty and education of Western Dressage to more horse lovers.

Finally we hope to get your thoughts.  The feedback and insight of our members, friends, supporters and riders is so valued when it comes to the design and development of the programs associated with Western Dressage.  This newsletter contains a link to a brief survey that will help the WDAA with determining additional educational offerings and business partnerships.  Please take a few minutes to give us your ideas and comments.

As the daylight hours starts to shorten and our equestrian tans fade away, we hope you have many new, sweet summer memories to last forever!   

How Are We Doing?

The Western Dressage Association® of America highly values the perspective of the many riders and supporters sharing this journey.  As such, we are seeking your feedback on important factors of membership with the WDAA, the benefits for you and the significance of the organization in your life.  We hope that you will take a few minutes to share your experience with us.

Complete Survey Now...

World Show & Annual Convention

Mark your calendars for November 4-8, 2015!  Plan to join the Western Dressage Association® of America in Tulsa, Oklahoma for our Sixth Annual Convention and the Third WDAA World Championship Horse Show.  The Hyatt Regency in downtown Tulsa will host both the Annual Convention as well as exhibitors and spectators for the World Championship Show at world class Built Ford Tough Livestock Arena at Expo Square.  The Pinto Horse Association will once again manage the show for WDAA.


World Show Sponsors

We greatly appreciate any sponsors who will be making the 3rd Annual WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show possible. This event is a celebration of every ride, every horse and rider partnership and every generous sponsor who joins us in the journey.

Become a Sponsor Now...

New Breed Alliance Partner with NWHA

The WDAA is excited for the educational and competitive opportunities which this breed alliance can offer for gaited horses and members of the NWHA to explore additional chances to learn, grown and train to the maximum benefit of the horse and rider partnership.

We Still have a few left in stock...


Get'em while we still have them at discounted prices!

The WDAA has an overage in inventory of Dressage Illustrated Test Books... From Intro all the way through Level 2 and even a few Instructors Books that contain the Freestyle Tests. We will be offering them at a discount to all who wish to purchase

Purchase Books Now


New Executive Board Members

The Western Dressage Association® of America (WDAA) is proud to welcome Linnea Sidi and Mike Baker as members of its Executive Board of Directors.

New Educational Resources

The WDAA announces new educational materials available to help riders learn the WDAA tests and progress in their western dressage journey.

WDA of Florida

Many great things developing for the November Championship weekend! Mark your calendars for Nov. 14-15 at the The Grand Oaks Resort. Not just a competition--lots to do!

Breed Alliances


Corporate Sponsor

International Alliance Partners

About The Western Dressage Association® of America is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization focused on providing a model of horsemanship which optimizes the partnership of horse and rider for their mutual benefit.  The mission of the Western Dressage Association® is to honor the horse, to value the partnership between horse and rider and to celebrate the legacy of the American West which it focuses on through its offerings of educational opportunities and events to the equestrian community.

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March 2015 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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WDAA 2015 Rules & Tests!

Our Rules incorporate elements of both Western and Dressage disciplines. Their revision was a collaborative effort on the part of member feedback, evaluation of respected horse people and equine organizations, and edited by a team of our Advisory Board members.

TTT Education Program

Train the Trainers™ clinics were established by the Western Dressage Association of America in early 2012.  Intense national and international demand led Frances Carbonnel and Cliff Swanson, members of the WDAA Advisory Board to begin the development of a training curriculum which addressed the needs of equine professionals who were interested in training their horses and clients about Western Dressage.

WDAA Professional Directory

The Western Dressage Association® of America has implemented a new Professional Directory for WDAA members. For a very small fee you can "Get Listed... Get Found... Find an Instructor or Clinician!"

Try it FREE for 30 days!!!

WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.

Clinics & Shows

Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!


At times like this when half the country is buried in mountains of snow or stuck inside due to the bitter cold, it is hard to believe that spring is right around the corner.  But for the WDAA a new year of Western Dressage activities is blooming!

Whether it is cultivating relationships with our friends at the American Morgan Horse Association, nurturing new partnerships like our Illinois Affiliate, or offering growth through education with our Judges Education Program or forthcoming Train the Trainers™ in Oklahoma – the WDAA is abounding with new developments. 

So instead of succumbing to cabin fever we encourage you to visit the WDAA website and social media pages to follow the many happenings and to begin planning your Western Dressage year!

The First WDAA Train The Trainers™ Clinic to be held in Oklahoma

On May 5 & 6, 2015 in Pryor, OK hosted by the WDA of Oklahoma

The Western Dressage Association® of America is excited to announce that the Western Dressage Association® of Oklahoma will sponsor a Train the Trainers™ clinic and seminar in Pryor, OK on May 5 & 6 2015.  The purpose of the Train the Trainers™ program is to educate professionals who want to learn how to train, hold clinics and judge Western Dressage.

Get More Details...

WDAA Welcome a New State Affiliate - WDA of Illinois

A New Journey Begins in Illinois with a super-charged up group of go-getters... they plan on taking Illinois by storm! You can visit their Website at www.WDAIllinois.org or their WDAIL Facebook Page
Here's an excerpt from their article they wrote about their Affiliate process...

We learned that Western Dressage is the fastest growing equine discipline ever endorsed by USEF. By the end of the convention, we had met some great people, including our own State’s Freestyle World Champion, Nell Tekampe. Everyone was really supportive and people gave us loads of ideas which inspired more of our own ideas and we were spinning out of control again, only this time it was with plans to pull Illinois into the future of WDAA.



The Western Dressage Association® of America is has a wonderful week of Western Dressage excitement planned for this fall! Plan to join the Western Dressage Association® of America in Tulsa, Oklahoma from Nov 4th – Nov 8th, 2015 for our 6th Annual Convention and 3rd Annual WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show which is open to all breeds.



Get'em while we still have them at discounted prices!

The WDAA has an overage in inventory of Dressage Illustrated Test Books... From Intro all the way through Level 3 and even a few Instructors Books that contain the Freestyle Tests. We will be offering them at a discount to all who wish to purchase

Purchase Books Now

WDAA Booth at the 2015 AMHA Convention
in Minneapolis

AMHA Convention

Lots of Morgan fun and excitement took place at the 2015 American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA) Awards Gala and Convention. This annual gathering of Morgan members and enthusiasts took place February 27-28 in Minneapolis.

One Hand or Two?

There seems to be some confusion about whether it is OK to use one hand or two hands with either snaffle or curb bits in Western Dressage.  Now what’s the difference between the two types of bits and why the two-handed as opposed to one-handed controversy?

WDA of Michigan

2014 was a very busy year for Western Dressage Association® of Michigan (WDAMI). We worked hard to promote Western Dressage class offerings in existing Schooling Shows. This excitement carried over into our board and we proceeded to develop a Year-End Awards Program.

Breed Alliances


Corporate Sponsor

International Alliance Partners

About The Western Dressage Association® of America is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization focused on providing a model of horsemanship which optimizes the partnership of horse and rider for their mutual benefit.  The mission of the Western Dressage Association® is to honor the horse, to value the partnership between horse and rider and to celebrate the legacy of the American West which it focuses on through its offerings of educational opportunities and events to the equestrian community.

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December 2014 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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WDAA 2014 Rules & Tests!

Our Rules incorporate elements of both Western and Dressage disciplines. Their revision was a collaborative effort on the part of member feedback, evaluation of respected horse people and equine organizations, and edited by a team of our Advisory Board members.

TTT Education Program

Train the Trainers™ clinics were established by the Western Dressage Association of America in early 2012.  Intense national and international demand led Frances Carbonnel and Cliff Swanson, members of the WDAA Advisory Board to begin the development of a training curriculum which addressed the needs of equine professionals who were interested in training their horses and clients about Western Dressage.

WDAA Professional Directory

The Western Dressage Association® of America has implemented a new Professional Directory for WDAA members. For a very small fee you can "Get Listed... Get Found... Find an Instructor or Clinician!"

Try it FREE for 30 days!!!

WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.

Clinics & Shows

Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!

It was the Year of the Horse!

In Chinese culture, the Horse is a symbol of nobility, class, speed and perseverance.  The Year of the Horse 2014 promised a lot of new things, not least of all adventure, excitement and romance for those who were looking. 

As we reflect on the past year, we do so with such pride as the WDAA and Western Dressage has flourished tremendously. Besides adding 3 new Board of Directors, who stepped up and took on the roles with reverence and enthusiasm, we celebrated with a year of learning and opportunities related to our favorite equine friends. 

Educational seminars for Judges and Trainers were held throughout 2014.  Our State Affiliates and Alliance Partners continued to host local and national events to share the benefits of Western Dressage. And we ended the year with a BANG at the 5th Annual Meeting and 2nd Annual WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show that grew over 300%.

Read more about what transpired in 2014 in our news blog titled "President's Address by Guy E. Brown".

As we move forward into the new year... it promises to be filled with even more education, excitement and of course horses!  We can't wait to share the Journey with you!

2015 Executive Board of Directors:

Guy E. Brown - President
Darrell L. Bilke - Vice President
Ellen DiBella - Secretary
Karen Homer-Brown
Lisa Blackstone
Holly Clanahan
Tori Blankenship
Jennifer Keeler

WDAA Western Dressage Judges Education Seminar

On January 26-27, 2015 the WDAA will offer its second Western Dressage Judges Seminar in conjunction with the International Equine Judges Seminar hosted by the Color Breed Council.

This opportunity will offer a wonderful educational experience to judges!  We would love to offer this event to as many that wish to attend! To reserve your spot or get more details about this educational opportunity...

Get More Details...

LAST CHANCE to get your WDAA World Championship Show Apparel!

The WDAA General Store offered 2014 World Show Apparel and we will be taking the items off in a couple of weeks. There's still time to get something you may have wanted... or treat yourself to regular WDAA Merchandise as a present to yourself this Holiday Season!
The WDAA has an overage in inventory of Dressage Illustrated Test Books... From Intro all the way through Level 3 and even a few Instructors Books that contain the Freestyle Tests. We will be offering them at a discount to all who wish to purchase

Purchase Books Now
(Link now fixed, sorry for the inconvenience in the previous email)

We need your 2015 Western Dressage Events!!!

As an added benefit of being a WDAA State Affiliate, or a member of the Western Dressage Association® of America, we have an Events Calendar that is available for your use to promote your Western Dressage events and activities.

Please use the provided submission form (Click Here for Submission Form) to send us notice of any type of event that relates to Western Dressage. We have a huge following on all our social media pages, plus 700+ hits per day on our website! If your event or show is NOT listed, they cannot find you!

WDAA State Affiliates... this means you too! Let's get the calendar so filled up, that we have every single DAY of each MONTH filled!


World Show Stories

"West to East… and Back Again by Jec Ballou. Read this great story about Jec Ballou's trip to the World Show as well as several others from members who shared their World Show jpourney!

WDAOK Futurity

On Nov. 8, WDAOK hosted its first Western Dressage Futurity, sponsored by Feed in a Drum and Permissive Will Ranch, for 3- and 4-year-old horses who have never been shown under saddle.

WDAA World Show

Webster’s dictionary defines diversity as “the state of being diverse; variety” or a “range of different things”. While the description is certainly adequate, it fails to capture the education...

Breed Alliances


Corporate Sponsor

International Alliance Partners

About The Western Dressage Association® of America is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization focused on providing a model of horsemanship which optimizes the partnership of horse and rider for their mutual benefit.  The mission of the Western Dressage Association® is to honor the horse, to value the partnership between horse and rider and to celebrate the legacy of the American West which it focuses on through its offerings of educational opportunities and events to the equestrian community.

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Our mailing address is:

October 2014 Newsletter

WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show & Annual Convention! Check it Out!!!
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WDAA World Show Booth

Be sure to stop by the WDAA World Show Booth and say Hi to the WDAA Staff, State Affiliate Officers, WDAA Executive Board members. We will be set up in the Built Ford Tough Livestock Arena. We will have lots of educational materials & books available:
  • Dressage Illustrated
  • Jec Ballou
  • Lynn Palm
  • Elaine Ward
  • Promotional items
  • Rules & Tests

World Show Awards

Ribbons for 1st – 10th place, Embroidered World Show Jackets and a Dressage Illustrated Book to winners of each class.

Eleven (11) High Point Belt Buckles will be given for the Junior, Amateur and Open divisions in the Introductory classes, Junior, Amateur and Open divisions in the Basic classes, Junior, Amateur and Open divisions in the Level 1 classes, Open and Amateur divisions in the Level 2 classes and Open and Amateur division in the Level 3 classes to the highest combined scores for horse/rider combination within each division.

If scores are tied, the horse/rider combination with the fewest number of classes will win; second tiebreaker will be the highest score on an individual test.
We greatly appreciate the sponsors who are making the second annual WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show possible. This event is a celebration of every ride, every horse and rider partnership and every generous sponsor who joins us in the journey.

Please download the sponsorship contract if you’d like to join the celebration!
“I’ve been showing horses for 42 years, but only because I’m having fun.”
– Ellen DiBella, WDAA secretary

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the spirit of the 2014 WDAA World Championship Show, to be Nov. 1-2 in Tulsa, Okla. Fun will be had, and lots of it!

Plan to join the WDAA in Tulsa, Oklahoma for our 5th Annual Convention and the 2nd Annual WDAA World Championship Horse Show which is open to all breeds. The Embassy Suites in Tulsa will be the site of two days of meetings and round table discussions.

The World Championship show will be at the world class Built Ford Tough Livestock Arena at Expo Square. WDAA is proud to host this event with the Pinto Horse Association in conjunction with the Color Breed Congress.

For more Convention information and World Show details, visit our NEW WDAA World Show Website!



Saddle Up Party completes the Weekend of FUN!

To be held at the Tulsa Expo Center on Nov. 2 after the show’s conclusion.We’d like to offer a western dressage salute and much appreciation to the American Morgan Horse Association for sponsoring the Saddle Up Party,.

Whether you’re in Tulsa or across the globe
, you’ll want to purchase an admission ticket to the party. Because there’s a very important reason that we’re calling it a Saddle Up Party. Thanks to a generous donation from Western Dressage Riding Gear, we will give away a custom Harmony Western Dressage Saddle as a door prize. Need not be present to win.

This line of saddles is designed by western dressage riders for western dressage riders, and they allow horse and rider to feel and move as one. So come check out this one-of-a-kind rig, which will have a custom 2014 WDAA logo tooled into the fenders and is valued at $2,485.

Get Your Tickets NOW!!!

WDAA 2014 Annual Convention

This convention will feature various events including nightly meet and greet social hours, informational discussions, strategic planning, rules and tests discussions, live demonstrations, guest speakers, an open town meeting for participant driven discussions, annual election of Officers and Directors.

Registrations need to be completed by Oct. 22nd at the latest for us to be able to plan printed materials for all attendees.

Get Registered NOW!!!

What is the Color of your Western Dressage Journey?

We want to encourage everyone at the show – and those cheering them on at home – to get in on the fun. Start by ordering items with the exclusive WDAA 2014 World Show logo, and show us the Colors of Your Journey!

We’d love to see a selfie of you in your shirt – maybe alongside the horse you’ll be riding – on WDAA’s Facebook pagewith the hashtag #WDAAWorldShowColors

Go Shopping!!!


Breed Alliances


Corporate Sponsor

International Alliance Partners


About The Western Dressage Association® of America is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization focused on providing a model of horsemanship that optimizes the partnership of horse and rider for their mutual benefit.  The mission of the Western Dressage Association® is to honor the horse, to value the partnership between horse and rider and to celebrate the legacy of the American West which it focuses on through its offerings of educational opportunities and events to the equestrian community.

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Our mailing address is: