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WDAA partners with eVet and shows you how to easily store and share your horse’s medical documents

Easily store and share your horse’s medical documents

by Katie Navarra

Relying on paper copies to track vaccination records, health certificates, registration, and microchip numbers is cumbersome. The more horses you have, the more challenging it becomes.

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May 2020 Newsletter

May & June Newsletter

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April 2020 Newsletter

April Newsletter

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March 2020 Newsletter

March Newsletter

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2019 WDAA/USEF Youth Grant

Every year WDAA receives a Youth Grant from USEF that can be used by horse and youth related outreach programs. Last year WDAA chose Operation Wild Horse (OWH) a new Extraordinary Partner of WDAA to receive this grant. OWH shared this wonderful letter with us from one of their Veteran families. We feel this puts our commitment to Military Veterans and their families into sharp perspective.

USEF free fan membership to all WDAA Military Veteran Members

WDAA is very proud to announce that USEF will be offering a yearly free fan membership to all WDAA Military Veteran Members. All WDAA members receive a 1 year free USEF Fan Membership but our veterans will get it every year!!!
"US Equestrian is honored to be able to provide benefits to these brave servicemen and servicewomen.  We are very appreciative of the sacrifices they make in service to our country and their efforts to keep our country and our families safe.  Additionally, US Equestrian commends WDAA’s efforts to not only bring the joy of horse sports to a new segment, but also promote the many therapeutic benefits that interaction with horses provides." - Leslie Mangan- USEF Executive Assistant and Project Management Analyst. 
A USEF Fan membership opens the door to amazing member benefits, for more information please visit, 

2020 USEF Annual Meeting Recap

US Equestrian Outlines Key Areas of Success, New Goals at 2020 Annual Meeting
President Murray Kessler and senior staff report on membership growth, program successes, and new member benefits.

At US Equestrian’s 2020 Annual Meeting in West Palm Beach, Fla., federation President Murray Kessler unveiled statistics that show how a vibrant US Equestrian that is growing membership, boosting sponsorships, and building for the future with new initiatives and operational efficiencies.

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USEF Lifetime Achievement Award winner Ellen Di Bella

Lexington, Ky. – US Equestrian is pleased to announce the recipients of the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Junior Equestrian of the Year Award to be acknowledged at the 2020 US Equestrian Annual Meeting at the Hilton West Palm Beach in West Palm Beach, Fla. Ellen Di Bella is the winner of the 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award, while Julia Stone is the 2019 Junior Equestrian of the Year. Both Di Bella and Stone will be recognized at the Pegasus Awards presented by Adequan® on Friday, January 10, 2020, along with other prestigious award winners.

Ellen Di Bella (Parker, Colo.), the Western Dressage Association of America’s founding President and now its Director Emeritus, has been key to the rise of Western dressage in the U.S. She has devoted her life to inspiring others, creating opportunities for equestrians and their horses, and working for every horse to be valued and cherished. She also served on the US Equestrian board for a decade and currently is on five US Equestrian committees.

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December 2019 Newsletter

December Newsletter

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November 2019 Newsletter

November Newsletter

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October 2019 Newsletter

October Newsletter

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Lynn Palm Western Dressage Fund created at The Dressage Foundation

Multiple WDAA World Champion Lynn Palm has announced the creation of the Lynn Palm Western Dressage Fund at The Dressage Foundation. Through this fund, financial support will be available for educational events for Western Dressage riders. If you or your club is hosting a Western Dressage clinic, camp, seminar or other type of educational event, you will be able to apply for a grant through The Dressage Foundation,

August/September 2019 Newsletter

August / September 2019 Newsletter - World Show Edition

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AQHA Partners with Western Dressage Association of America

AQHA supports the Western Dressage Association of America in its mission to build an equine community that combines the western traditions of horse and rider with classical dressage.

The American Quarter Horse Association is proud to announce its partnership with the Western Dressage Association of America. This alliance was formed as a result from the approval of western dressage as a new class starting at AQHA events in 2020.

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My Journey to Western Dressage

Western Dressage came along at a good time in my life and the life of my horse.  I have a long and varied background in traditional dressage, and I have taken advantage of many educational opportunities through the US Dressage Federation and US Equestrian Federation over the years.  I have also been an active participant in my local dressage club, Kansas Dressage and Eventing Association.  As a result of my experiences and education, I'm an L-graduate (able to judge dressage schooling shows), as well as an “r”  Technical Delegate for dressage shows (rules enforcement at dressage shows).  I have also been a secretary or manager for both schooling and recognized dressage shows and horse trials, and I'm currently the President of Kansas Dressage and Eventing.  With my current horse, I also competed through Fourth Level dressage, and I've been teaching dressage to local riders who bring all breeds of horses to their lessons. 

With my horse now aging, and not wanting to push him to express his gaits to the fullest extent at his age, I looked toward the relatively new discipline of Western Dressage.  Maybe Western Dressage was a way I could continue to school my horse, with dressage principles, but still be taking on the demands of a different discipline that might be more challenging to me than to my horse. 

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Breyerfest 2019

Because of my love for the western horse, along with traditional dressage, I knew western dressage was made for me. In my years of classical dressage, part of my training was devoted to produce a more willing western equine partner.

In 2010 I purchased Truly Unsurpassed (“Calico”) with the idea that one day we would participate and grow in western dressage as a team. I never dreamed that Truly Unsurpassed would live up to her name. When I made the decision to start this new journey together in western dressage, I made a plan, and within three years, we earned top honors in the WDAA shows, performing from Basic level all the way to level 4, the highest level for western dressage. During WDAA World Championships in 2016–2018, we earned several World Championship awards. In 2017, Truly Unsurpassed earned her first USEF National Horse of the Year in level 2, followed by 2018 USEF National Horse of The Year in level 3.

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July 2019 Newsletter

July 2019 Newsletter

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May/June 2019 Newletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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A Letter From Your WDAA President

Dear Members:

WDAA has just released the prize list for the 2019 WDAA World Championship Show!  We have made some changes to make this the most exciting show ever:
We added another day and the show is now five days long, starting with Rail Classes on Wednesday, October 2 and ending with the grand awards ceremony on Sunday, October 6.  This is so we can offer all four tests at each level as well as the new Intro. Freestyle competition. 

Entries open July 1 and you will want to get them in early to ensure your spot in the freestyle competitions.  We accept the first 15 entries in each freestyle class and close it.
Also new for this year are two special awards:
• Silver Spur Award - This is for the highest scoring horse and rider team whose combined age is at least  75 years.
• World Show Greenhorn Award - This is for the amateur or junior rider and horse, both competing at this show, for the first time, with the highest score. Neither horse nor rider may have ever shown at any WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show.

We still have all the great breed high points and division awards as well!

Katharina Nowotny-Boles will be back with t-shirts and snacks for volunteers.  Contact her in advance to get a job assignment. [email protected]

Sponsor a class or a division if you can or advertise in the program if you have a great product or service horse lovers could support.

Plan to come to the welcome party to kick off the WDAA World Championship Show and stay to congratulate all the winners Sunday afternoon.  This show is a great time with great people who will become some of the best friends you ever find!  Bring a horse or two or a dozen. I hope to see you there!

Cindy Butler, Your President,
Western Dressage Association Of America

P.S.  I got a darling new horse and I’m going to post her picture on the Social Corral so you can meet her.  Please post pictures of you and your horses there too because it’s fun to get to know each other better and we all love to see more horses!
Attention Western Dressage Trainers!

WDAA is asking for donations, but not the financial kind:

We are looking for video clips 3 minutes or less, demonstrating Western Dressage maneuvers. You can submit as many videos as you like, but each video should address only one maneuver. You may demonstrate how the maneuver is achieved or what it is and is not supposed to look like and add your own special way of helping riders understand the maneuver.  

Examples of a maneuver:
Free Walk
Free Jog
Half Pass
Collected Lope
Lope pirouette
Turn on the forehand
Flying lead change
Simple lead change
Working jog 

Choose a maneuver from the list or another one you have a great example of or a great way to teach about it.  It can be a simple or complicated maneuver or a helpful hint. Begin the video clip with a shot of yourself and the introduction, “I am (name) from (farm, town, state) (website if you want) and I am going to show you the (maneuver)”.  After that, say whatever you want to describe or teach the maneuver. It is our hope, this will give trainers some recognition on a national level and help our members learn about Western Dressage maneuvers.

To submit a video clip just go to WDAA Social Corral on Facebook! You must be a WDAA member to have access to the Social Corral.
Please Support Your World Show!
Go to and sponsor a class, division or breed high score.

Nichole Oster the Chairwoman of the sponsorship committee, has a huge goal of having EVERY SINGLE CLASS SPONSORED that is 128 classes, let's help them achieve their goal! Contact Nichole with questions [email protected].
New Awards for the World Show!
In addition to the new Green Horn Award and Silver Spur Award, WDAA is extremely proud to offer a High Score Veterans Award!! Exhibitors can register for these Awards in the secretaries office at check-in.
World Championship Awards Ceremony

Plan to attend the Sunday night Farewell Celebration and Awards Ceremony, it will be held 1 hour following the completion of the show on Sunday night. Over All High Score, Division Buckles, breed high score and special awards will be presented then. NO AWARDS WILL BE HANDED OUT prior to the event. If you can't attend please make sure someone picks up the award for you. 
WDAA Honors Dinner

WDAA Honors Dinner 
Last years Awards Dinner was such a great success we decided to make it an annual event! The WDAA Honors Dinner will be Wednesday night Oct 6th in the Roper's Cantina. Plan now to attend, invitations will be sent soon!
World Show Gold Cart Rentals
Golf cart reservation information will be included with your entry confirmation.
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Western Dressage Education!

Find all the WDAA Tests, Guides and lots of great reading materials in our Western Dressage Education Center!
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Clinics & Shows
Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!
View Calendar

WDAA Social Corral

If you wish to be more informed about the Western Dressage movement, we do have a private Social Corral Facebook Group where members of the Western Dressage Association® of America can interact, discuss various topics, conceive new ideas and generally share all things Western Dressage, including people who are instructors, clinicians and even judges like yourself.
Join the Social Corral

Judges Education Program

The WDAA Western Dressage Judge’s Education Program is open to all licensed Dressage judges, Western, Breed judges and those starting out who want to learn about Western Dressage. This Judges Education Program offers training so that they can accurately evaluate horse rider combinations, score the tests and provide comments.

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Current USEF Licensed Western Dressage Judges

Find A Professional in Your Area

The Western Dressage Association® of America is proud to offer an ever-growing list of dedicated Western Dressage professionals.
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WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.
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Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all of the latest Western Dressage updates from all over the US and Canada.

Find new WD groups, follow your favorite riders, find shows and clinics and connect up with Western Dressage friends in your neck of the woods.

Please Join our rapidly-growing online community...
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Why Be A WDAA Member?
Ever wondered what it means to be a WDAA member? Sure, you get access to the Social Corral, events, dressage tests, and tons of information on our website; you can participate in high points programs and receive our awesome newsletter each month, but what else?
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Breed Alliances


Corporate Sponsor


About The Western Dressage Association® of America is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization focused on providing a model of horsemanship which optimizes the partnership of horse and rider for their mutual benefit.  The mission of the Western Dressage Association® is to honor the horse, to value the partnership between horse and rider and to celebrate the legacy of the American West which it focuses on through its offerings of educational opportunities and events to the equestrian community.

Copyright © Western Dressage Association of America®, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Western Dressage Association® of America
P.O. Box 2349
Parker, CO 80134

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April 2019 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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A Letter From Your WDAA President

Dear Members,

Spring cleaning, purging, and organizing helps us keep our lives in order.  The same is true for WDAA.  We have been working internally to upgrade and streamline our processes so WDAA can achieve the goal of providing members with the best service possible.

First - under upgrading, I am excited to announce that Diana “Dini” Swanson has been named as the new Executive Director for WDAA.  Dini has served in a contract role as our Executive Secretary for three years.  WDAA and Dini have grown together over that time and both are ready for the next step.  So, on May 1, Dini will become WDAA’s first non-contract, full-time employee.  She will continue to perform most of her previous duties, but will also be overseeing many of the projects our volunteer board members headed up in the past.

One of Dini’s first new projects involves working to upload an all-in-one membership management software application.  WDAA is working with a software company to onboard all components of a new system.  We hope this will streamline some of our internal processes so WDAA customer service can be even more efficient.  The new system includes a web portal for members where we will post videos and educational material.  Onboarding takes several months so I don’t have a good time estimate yet for when the portal will open.  You can be sure we will notify you with great fanfare when it is opened.

By now you have had the chance to look over the newly released Intro Level Freestyle requirements.  Developing Intro Freestyle was a member request, and the WDAA team worked hard to bring it to fruition quickly so riders could have time to plan and practice performances well before the WDAA World Championship Show.  I hope this makes competing in freestyle attainable for everyone.  Freestyle is a fun way to celebrate your achievements with your horse in an individual, creative way.

Chris Rushton is updating our corporate sponsorship plan.  He will post it on the WDAA website soon.

Kathy Newcomb is working with show managers across the country, and they have almost doubled the number of WDAA recognized shows scheduled from 2018 to 2019.  Please, head out and support the shows in your area if you want them to continue. Show managers will give Western Dressage a chance, but you have to support it to keep it as your favorite shows.  There has never been a better time to sign up for the WDAA Horse Lifetime Points and Awards Program!

We have great momentum and our future looks very bright!  Thanks to you, WDAA members, who honor the horse and the journey.  By bringing your horses and yourselves out to shows, you give us more power to get more support for programs we want to provide to you.  You make our jobs at WDAA easier, even the Spring cleaning.

Cindy Butler, Your President
Western Dressage Association Of America
New This Year At the 2019 WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show

1. The new Silver Spur Award will be awarded to the highest scoring horse/rider team that equals 75 years or more in age combined. This very special new award will be presented Sunday night after the show at the Farewell Celebration and Awards Ceremony.

2. Intro freestyle has been added to the schedule!

3. The World Show will be 5 days 1 full day of rail classes with 4 full days of tests 1-4. The prize list will be out soon!

WHLPAP Update!

New WHLPAP Awards earned since August 2018 are listed below. All awards earned prior to the cut off date in 2018 were presented at the WDAA Honors Dinner held during the World Show. The cut off this year for WHLPAP submissions will be August 1st, 2019, we must set this date so we have time to order, produce and ship the ever-increasing list of awards to be presented at the Honors Dinner, it is quite the display!!! We hope to see you there Wednesday Night October 2nd in the Ropers Cantina for a fun celebration of your horses' accomplishments!
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WDAA Social Corral

Western Dressage Education!

Find all the WDAA Tests, Guides and lots of great reading materials in our Western Dressage Education Center!
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Clinics & Shows
Looking for a Schooling Show or Clinic to brush up on your skills. Stop by the Events Calendar on the WDAA website where you will find lots of events happening all over the USA!
View Calendar

WDAA Social Corral

If you wish to be more informed about the Western Dressage movement, we do have a private Social Corral Facebook Group where members of the Western Dressage Association® of America can interact, discuss various topics, conceive new ideas and generally share all things Western Dressage, including people who are instructors, clinicians and even judges like yourself.
Join the Social Corral

Judges Education Program

The WDAA Western Dressage Judge’s Education Program is open to all licensed Dressage judges, Western, Breed judges and those starting out who want to learn about Western Dressage. This Judges Education Program offers training so that they can accurately evaluate horse rider combinations, score the tests and provide comments.

Learn More
Current USEF Licensed Western Dressage Judges

Find A Professional in Your Area

The Western Dressage Association® of America is proud to offer an ever-growing list of dedicated Western Dressage professionals.
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WDAA General Store

Where You can purchase WDAA Customized Apparel in our Apparel Boutique as well as Books, DVDs and other educational material all about Western Dressage in our Products General Store.
Shop Now

Follow Us on Facebook

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all of the latest Western Dressage updates from all over the US and Canada.

Find new WD groups, follow your favorite riders, find shows and clinics and connect up with Western Dressage friends in your neck of the woods.

Please Join our rapidly-growing online community...
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Why Be A WDAA Member?
Ever wondered what it means to be a WDAA member? Sure, you get access to the Social Corral, events, dressage tests, and tons of information on our website; you can participate in high points programs and receive our awesome newsletter each month, but what else?
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Breed Alliances


Corporate Sponsor


About The Western Dressage Association® of America is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization focused on providing a model of horsemanship which optimizes the partnership of horse and rider for their mutual benefit.  The mission of the Western Dressage Association® is to honor the horse, to value the partnership between horse and rider and to celebrate the legacy of the American West which it focuses on through its offerings of educational opportunities and events to the equestrian community.

Copyright © Western Dressage Association of America®, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Western Dressage Association® of America
P.O. Box 2349
Parker, CO 80134

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February/March 2019 Newsletter

Exciting happenings at Western Dressage Association of America... Be sure to check it all out!
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A Letter From Your WDAA President 

The Game of Western Dressage

Dear Members,

One of my Spring time duties for WDAA is to craft rule change proposals we receive from members.  So, I have been reviewing requests for changes and preparing them for presentation to our internal rules committee. 

I love reading and working on rules because rules teach you how to play a game (or how to win a horse show).  If the game is too simple, it’s not fun for long.  It should be challenging and engaging so I want to keep playing.  Think of all the video games that you like for a month and then get bored of. Chess is a good game because you can develop skill and strategy while using the rules.  Working Cow Horse is a good game because it’s fun and incorporates multiple skills.  Western Dressage is a great game, because as the players get better, the game gets more challenging.  

I think rules should be clear and easy to follow.  There should be enough rules so we know what the game is and how to proceed when something unexpected happens.  However, there shouldn’t be so many rules that they are impossible to follow or that beginners just don’t even bother to learn… Rules shouldn’t be so restrictive that all creativity is limited.  I remember playing Monopoly with my dad.  He was always making side deals with other players, like buying hotels from my sister when she was almost out of money (maybe Monopoly needs an ethics committee…)  

Using Dressage methods to train Western horses is not new, but the game of Western Dressage (showing) is pretty new.  Therefore, we still have to tweek the rules sometimes as the game evolves. 

Luckily, I don’t have to work on rule change proposals by myself.  WDAA is fortunate to have a great Rules Committee made up of a diverse group of individuals committed to honoring the horse and providing clear instructions for competition. 
Members include:

  • Ronald Bartholomew
  • Tori Blankenship
  • Cindy Butler
  • Ellen DiBella
  • Lillian Evaniew-Phelan
  • Joyce Hamlin
  • Ann Judge
  • Lynn Palm
  • Cindy Reid
  • Cliff Swanson
  • Joyce Swanson
Rule change proposals recommended by the rules committee go to the WDAA Board of Directors and then to the USEF Western Dressage Committee for review before they end up with the USEF Legislative Committee.  The USEF Legislative Committee allows other USEF committees which may be affected by the proposal have input before sending proposals to the USEF Board of Directors for final approval. 
I have received a few requests related to “leveling the playing field” for various types of awards programs through rule change proposals.  If your interpretation of the phrase “level the playing field” is to provide all players with the same set of rules so players can make informed choices, then I think WDAA is doing that for the program we manage.
Regarding awards programs, WDAA can only implement rules for WDAA Horse Lifetime Points and Achievements Program (WHLPAP).  That program is designed to add value to horses as they progress through the Western Dressage levels over their lifetimes.  Our goal is for every horse to be loved for its lifetime.  WHLPAP is not a competitive program and there’s no time limit.  However, there are really cool prizes along the journey.  WHLPAP is a program everyone who plays can win and truly the biggest prize is the harmony you get between the horse and rider just because you played.
Other awards programs Western Dressage riders can participate in include:
  • USEF Horse of the Year points,
  • WDAA State affiliate high point programs,
  • national breed organization high points,
  • local schooling show circuit awards) 

Whatever awards programs you choose or not and whatever games you play, I hope you are still having fun.  I know I am whenever my partner is a horse.  This morning, I looked out my bedroom window and my horse looked back at me and well, you know how that makes a girl feel….
Cindy Butler, Your President,
Western Dressage Association of America

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