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Ellen DiBella | Director EmeritusI purchased my first Morgan horse in 1972; I saw Morgans used in the rehab program at FAMC with the amputee and paraplegic veterans from the Vietnam War. One gelding somehow became many Morgan horses. We currently have eleven Morgans here at home in Colorado and three in training. I show a number of the Morgans myself and enjoy the challenge of competition and the daily care of the horses here at home. I stand a Morgan stallion, Holiday Compadre; breed mares here at home and with shipped semen; raise foals and handle young horses. I have served on the boards of equine organizations ranging from local horse clubs, to the board of directors of the American Morgan Horse Association, to the board of the United States Equestrian Federation, to the board of trustees for the American Morgan Horse Institute. I have worked on show committees at all levels including seven years on the Morgan Grand National Committee which puts on the World Championship show for the Morgan breed. I currently serve on the board of the Colorado Horse Park and helped to found the Rocky Mountain Cancer Center Foundation which provides financial assistance to cancer patients and their family in meeting the expenses of living while fighting cancer. ellen dibella sunrise morgansAfter 38 years of showing in western pleasure, I am so pleased to be involved in Western Dressage. It has rekindled my enthusiasm for riding; I can test my horse and myself against a standard and continue to learn and grow. If you are trying to reach our team, please use the Contact Us Form on this website. |