President's Letter
Dear Members,
I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving full of blessings, family fellowship and love. Looking back at 2019, I miss dear ones who lost their lives this year, I’m sad for those who are suffering, but I am thankful for all the good that is still in the World. I am grateful for the opportunities I received, the friends I have made, the time I got to spend with my family and mostly I am thankful that I survived another year.
I am also hopeful for the future. I hope I will spend more time with my horses and family. I hope I will spend more time working with WDAA staff and board members on projects and getting to know all of you better.
This year, I judged 31 horse shows for 57 days. I was honored to meet many of you at the shows and other events. You are the WDAA equine community. You are my people, my tribe, my family, the ones I belong to because we are the same. I am thankful we all found each other. I hope you feel the same sense of belonging that I do every time you show your horse at a Western Dressage show or go to an affiliate meeting or a Western Dressage clinic, anytime you are among WDAA members.
Registration is open now for the judge’s seminar. Regardless of its name, this seminar is open for anyone who wants to learn more about what judges are looking for in Western Dressage or how to win at Western Dressage. It’s also a great opportunity to hang out with your people and get to know us all better.
Enjoy the journey!
Cindy Butler, Your President Western Dressage Association of America
Make sure you renew your WDAA membership on time. The renewal period ends on Jan 1st and after that your membership will lapse and you won't have access to any WDAA member benefits.
Also WDAA is working on a Membership Anniversary acknowledgements. Members in good standing will be acknowledged in a very special way if they have been continuous members for 10 years. Don't miss out!
WDAA Horse Lifetime Points and Awards Program Update
Beginning Jan 1st there will be a $50 fee to submit WHLPAP points from the previous year. For example in 2020 to submit points from 2019 you would need to pay an additional one time $50 processing fee. Retroactive points will only be accepted for the previous year.
The 2020 USEF/WDAA Judges Seminar registration is now open.
Plan to attend a Judges Training like no other! (Open to Auditors also). The 2020 WDAA/USEF Western Dressage Judges Seminar is 3 full days of intensive training for new judge applicants and 2 1/2 days for licensed judges. All of that hard work is balanced with great camaraderie and networking, lively discussion, a little shopping, great meals included plus all the chocolate you can eat!!!
February 6 through February 8, 2020
Host Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn Denver Tech Center 7675 East Union Ave Denver, CO 80237 303-770-4200
Registration can be found on the site here,
Therapeutic Riding test books available to order from Dressage Illustrated.
- WDAA has published seven (7) simple new WDAA Exceptional Rider (handicapped rider) tests.
- Dressage Illustrated will create our standard diagrammed inserts of these tests for judges and instructors book customers to update their books. Mailed inserts will cost $50 each total.
- Dressage Illustrated MUST receive orders by December 31, 2019.
- Order ASAP at
2020 USEF Annual meeting in West Palm Beach, FL Jan 8-11th.
For an excellent opportunity to meet face to face with many of our WDAA Board of Directors and Executive Director please plan to attend the Western Dressage meeting (WDAA) on January 9th 8:00-9:30. We will report on all WDAA achievements over the last year, plus discuss rule changes and proposals and answer questions. This will be a wonderful relaxed time to really get to visit with everyone and make plans for the future of WDAA. Register here,
In February the WDAA Board will meet in Colorado for our first ever face to face meeting with the entire board in attendance. It has been impossible to have meetings at the World Show due to everyone either showing or being involved in running the show. At this meeting we will video record reports and compile a WDAA Annual report to be posted on the Video Education Portal for members to view. Much like last year we will ask for questions and comments from membership before hand to address in these recordings. WDAA tries very hard to keep costs down so our fees can stay low, therefore we will keep trying new approaches to being as inclusive and transparent as possible. We hope this new manner of "meeting" will afford all members the opportunity to be heard and issues to be addressed.
Please keep in mind that the deadline for points submissions for the 2020 Honors Awards Dinner will be Aug 1st, 2020. Inaccurate and late submissions will be processed last. USEF licensed Western Dressage judges must be used at all WDAA Recognized Shows. Please try to do your submissions online, mailed-in submissions take quite a bit of processing time and delay recordings to show up on your points tally.