President's Letter
Dear Friends,
One of the things I am most proud of is when WDAA members talk about the great value you get with a WDAA membership. It tells me that you all recognize how hard WDAA is working for you and that we’re on the right track. We ask for your input and do our best to steer WDAA in the directions you choose.
With that in mind, and in addition to the membership benefits listed on our website, WDAA is working on some new projects:
- Streamlined rules to be more clear and easier to navigate,
- New tests for 2022 to include Level 5,
- New material for the Learning Management System: our members only video education portal which already houses over 200 videos,
- Expansion of the Horse Lifetime Points & Awards Program in anticipation of Level 5,
- Online judge’s education,
- An annual international online horse show: in addition to the live World Championship Horse Show so members get the flexibility to choose live, online or both ways to show.
- New corporate partnerships: to be announced this year
There is so much to look forward to in 2021! I hope you will join WDAA or renew your membership now if you haven’t already. We have so much fun together, riding horses, making friends and learning.
Cindy Butler, Your President Western Dressage Association of America
LMS Videos for Online World Championship Show (Click Images for Larger Version)
The Top 10 division winner videos from the 2020 Online World Championship are now posted on the WDAA member Learning Management System (LMS), along with the completed test sheets.
The LMS is a MAJOR WDAA member benefit, which now offers more than 200 educational videos. Here are some rave reviews about the LMS;
"What a wealth of information and insight! 2021 WDAA membership just paid for itself with this educational resource!"
"'s a journal of excellence..."
"What a super way to sit with others and learn"
"Marvelous!!" "WDAA has once again set the bar high"
To find the LMS, simply log into your WDAA member portal.
Renew your WDAA membership now, so you don't lose your valuable member benefits!
2021 WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show
The 2021 WDAA Western Dressage World Championship Show will be held September 29th - October 3rd at the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, OK. We are proud to announce the esteemed judges for 4 very full days of tests.
Charlotte Trentelman – R Donna Meyer - R Cynthia Ganem - R
Marie Maloney – R
Robin Nunnally - R
Wednesdays rail class judge will be announced soon.
The 2021 WDAA Western Dressage Online International Challenge will be held in 3 phases (Thank you WDAA members for the great name suggestions!)
Phase 1 Entries accepted - May 24th - June 5th.
Phase 2 Begins when you receive your prefilled sign for the beginning of your test video. Video submissions end June 18th
Phase 3 Judging - June 21st - July 7th
We are proud to announce the esteemed judges for this new show.
Cindy Butler – R Joanne Coy – R Julie Haugen – R Ida Norris - r Mary Skittino – R Danielle Toscano -R
More to be announced, if required by entries.
Judges Education Modifications
Due to COVID 19 restrictions it was not possible to hold an in person WDAA/USEF Judges Seminar this year. Typically, they are held in Denver every February. WDAA is now in the process of developing an online version of the seminar for our licensed WD judges that are due to attend a seminar for renewal purposes. Much more on this program to be announced in future newsletters.
An online judges seminar for applicants and auditors is not yet being developed. As soon as the licensed judges online seminar is launched then the applicant and auditor seminar will be developed. We are hopeful that in 2022 we will be able to go back to an in-person seminar for all, with an online component included in the curriculum.
The Judge Applicant Online Evaluation that all Western Dressage applicant judges must complete as the last step in applying for licensing is no longer being hosted by CSG Global teaching solutions. Instead WDAA will be hosting that program "in house" on our own Learning Management System. For more information, please refer to the USEF Licensing Policies and procedures, licensed-officials-policies-and ( Or contact Dini Swanson at [email protected].
Dressage Illustrated launches a new FREE iPhone app!
Offering test diagrams, audio and test copies, this iPhone/iPad app is designed to help WDAA western dressage riders learn a test and improve their show scores. It is also a useful, easy to carry, reference for judges, trainers, and spectators. To download from the App Store, search for “dressage”, “2017 WDAA Dressage Tests” will come up as a link. Click on the link and the store will show the app. Click "Get" and it will download.
WDAA would like to welcome the Legis League as a new Partner of WDAA.
LEGIS League is excited to announce that it has teamed up with the Western Dressage Association of America (WDAA) as an Alliance Partner. LEGIS League is an awards program sponsored by The LEGIS Team is comprised of Horsemen Insuring Horsemen, and they are happy to assist you with any coverage you may need from insurance for your horse to property and liability coverage, and even workers' compensation.
LEGIS League members earn points at shows registered with LEGIS League, and qualify to compete for fantastic prizes at the LEGIS League Finals. The program currently includes Hunter, Jumper, Equitation, Dressage, and Western Dressage. Stay tuned for news and information about upcoming LEGIS League shows and the inaugural LEGIS League Western Dressage Finals. To learn more, please visit or contact Danielle Skaar at [email protected].
These Boots are Made for Riding! WESTERN DRESSAGE STYLE!
Congratulations to Nicole Zerbee on the birth of her new baby, Sophia Marie! Nicole is the USEF Program Coordinator who works with WDAA through the USEF Western Dressage Committee.